Do Labradors Shed A Lot? YES! However…

Reading Time: 6 mins
two adult labrador retrievers standing on a rock smiling

although labradors have short fur, they are heavy shedders all year round and even more when seasons change. genes, health, diet, environment and skin conditions all affect labrador shedding amount. proper grooming, bathing and supplements can help control it but you should know that labradors will never stop shedding.

Yes! They do shed but Labradors require less grooming than other dogs due to their short hair

however, as they shed a lot, regular weekly brushing is necessary to keep their hair healthy so that the natural body oils are distributed throughout their body and shed hair is removed. It can be removed with a brush.

you will need a strong vacuum cleaner to clean your house, and your clothes will always have dog hair on them.

But before we go further, let us talk a Lil bit about this breed`s traits.

Labrador retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in America. These dogs have medium to large sizes and are strong and agile. Labradors are known for their good manners, intelligence, and kindness, and although they were initially bred as hunting dogs, these traits make them ideal companions. In addition to their abilities and talents in sports activities, these dogs are good service dogs, and they are used in tasks such as guiding the blind and assisting the disabled and can be therapy dogs.

However, keeping them at home as a pet has many disadvantages, including Shedding, which is commonly seen among most dogs.

What is the reason for shedding in Labrador retrievers?

In general, all dogs have a fur coat that protects the skin and regulates their internal temperature.

Dogs get rid of old or damaged hair by shedding, significantly affecting their cleanliness.

It should be noted that shedding is a natural phenomenon, but what you should pay attention to is when your dog sheds more than usual.

Stress or anxiety may cause your dog to shed more hair than usual. Veterinary behaviorists treat behavioral disorders. They can recommend exercises or anti-anxiety medications.

Is their shedding typical, or more so than other breeds?

Is it true that Labrador retrievers shed more than other dog breeds if they are, in fact, heavy shedders?

When put in context with other dogs, yeah, definitely. As far as shedding goes, there are some breeds that shed more than labs

Like Labs, the majority of dog breeds that shed a lot have double coats. Double-coated dogs not only shed constantly but also “blow” their coats more than once per year to make room for a new one.

in the shedding spectrum, labradors are number 8 of most heavy shedding breeds of dogs. according to this article

Lab’s shedding is considered high compared to all breeds of dogs. But don’t think of them as dog hair on your clothes. They are your pal`s GLITTERS!

adult labrador retriever smiling and running in a field of grass

When does the MOST shedding occur in Labs?

If you have experience keeping a Labrador retriever, you must know that shedding is one of the prominent features among them.

Labrador retrievers have the highest amount of shedding in the two seasons of spring and autumn when the weather changes significantly.

In addition to seasonal changes, Labrador retrievers shed throughout the year.

At first, it may be difficult for you to think of copping with shedding, but in this article, we will suggest ways to deal with it that will be effective.

Is excessive shedding a health issue?

As we said, shedding is a natural thing among dogs and even cats, and it happens instinctively when they shed their old and damaged hair.

But sometimes, it is possible that the shedding is too much considering the breed type and seasonal changes;

in that case, you can consider it a threat to your Labrador’s health.

In general, when shedding becomes out of control in Labrador retrievers, it is due to illness and health problems.

Here is a list of reasons that can cause your Lab to shed more than usual:

  • Improper diet and meal plan
  • Stress in the home environment
  • Improper shampoo
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Presence of skin parasites
  • Background diseases

As a person who takes care of a dog, you have to know their normal shedding amount, and if it is more than usual, you should notice it and be sure to discuss the issue with your veterinarian.

What Factors Affect Labrador Retriever Shedding Amount?


underlying health issues can be a cause for exxecive shedding in labradors.

2- diet

No-brainer Without proper nutrition, your body can’t function properly. Dogs aren’t an exeption. A nutritious diet helps reduce your dog’s shedding.

3- Skin Conditions

Skin diseases cause bald patches and hair loss. Fleas, lice, or mites can cause hair loss. Ringworm, dermatitis, fungal infections, immune diseases, and cancer can cause hair loss.

If you notice any of these, consult a vet:

  • Irritations of the skin
  • Bumps
  • Scabs
  • Rash
  • Allergies

Foods, pharmaceuticals, cleaning goods, and grooming products might cause allergies. Dogs with allergies shed more.

Wheat or gluten allergies can cause skin conditions in dogs. Once that happens, the skin issue may cause more-than-normal shedding.

Allergies fall into four groups:

  • Atopy (genetic)
  • Environmental
  • flea allergies
  • Asthma

A vet can diagnose and treat allergies.

4– Stress and anxiety

When stressed, dogs shed hair. The environmental effects can increase your dog’s shedding. Stressful situations, like a vet visit, might cause excessive shedding.

Read More: Stress in Dogs : Causes, Signs and solutions

wet yellow and red labrador retrievers in a swimming pool

copyright Wikimedia commons sgilsdorf

What are some solutions to reduce shedding in Labrador retrievers?

You should know that shedding among dogs cannot be stopped because it is necessary to keep them healthy and clean.

here is a a list of things that can control shedding in Labrador retrievers.

Bathe and Brush

Managing your Labrador’s shedding is possible. Regular brushing and bathing are standard solutions.

be aware that these bathing visits should not be so much as to endanger its health. Too much bath time will decrease their coat quality and increase shedding. A bath every two weeks is good.

Diet and supplements

Labrador Retrievers must eat healthily. You should provide them a diet rich in Omega Fatty Acids.

Omega fatty acids benefit skin and coat. It keeps their coats shiny and silky and may aid with skin issues.  Mixing in natural substances that are rich in fiber and minerals is also advised.

Supplements can reduce Labrador shedding. If your dog’s food lacks Omegas, a fish oil supplement can help.

Chewable vitamins can enhance your Lab’s coat. Chewable vitamins are great for coat health.

Give your dog more water; drinking more water among Labrador retrievers helps reduce the amount of hair loss.

Keep them happy and stress-free

reducing stress and pressure on your pet is also very helpful.

keeping your dog happy and active releases all kinds of positive hormones, which in return will boost your dog`s health and thus may reduce shedding.

Read More: How to Raise a Labrador! (All Questions Answered)

labrador retriever playing fetch in grass field with a smile

Some key takeaways about Labrador`s shedding:

  • If you have ever had a Labrador retriever, you know that shedding is one of the most noticeable things about them.
  • In the spring and fall, when the weather experiences dramatic shifts, Labrador retrievers shed the most.
  • In addition to seasonal changes, Labrador retrievers shed all year.
  • When Labrador retrievers start shedding excessively, it’s usually a sign of underlying health or mental issues.
  • If your dog suffers from anxiety or stress, he or she may start shedding more hair than usual.
  • Allergy-prone dogs shed more.
  • When your dog eats well, he or she sheds less hair. Supplements can help lessen the amount of shedding.
  • Two-weekly baths are recommended. If you give them too many baths, their coat will become less healthy and they will shed more.
  • Most coat and skin health products contain Omega Fatty acids, which help to reduce shedding.
  • Keeping your dog happy and active will increase its health and decrease its shedding.
  • Even though shedding is a normal process, you should pay attention if your dog is shedding significantly more than usual.

Please share your comments with us.

Read More: Labrador retrievers’ growth timeline ( from puppies to adults )

Read More: Male & Female Labrador Retrievers: 16 Differences

Read More: Owning a Labrador: 27 Pros & 20 Cons!

Read More: Golden vs. Labrador retriever & 10 main differences

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