Labrador Retrievers Origin & History

Reading Time: 5 mins
Labrador retriever history image

Copyright AKC

One of the most popular dog breeds is Labrador Retriever. This dog has a long history and has traveled a long way; even his origin crossed the Atlantic Ocean for a short time. In this article, we will discuss the origin and history of Labrador Retrievers in more detail and answer the questions that may be raised for you.

What are Labs Like?

If you intend to buy or adopt these dogs, you should know that this type of dog is a sports dog and the height of this dog is approximately 21 inches to 25 inches, and the weight of Labrador Retrievers is about 55 pounds to 80 pounds. The Labrador breed of Retrievers is more robust than other dogs of this breed and has relatively shorter legs. Blind people can use it as a guide dog, and Labrador Retrievers are also used as rescue dogs. It is also good to know that these dogs were voted the most popular dogs in several years since they were first introduced in the AKC.
You either already have a Labrador Retriever, or you are planning to get one. in both cases, you are responsible for this animal. It shows that you have accepted the pet and are accountable. Of course, you may be only eager to know more about this type of dog; in any case, our article will be helpful for you to get to know your dog’s origin story. So follow us until the end of the article.

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the first origin of Labrador Retrievers

Labrador Retrievers, which today are highly popular among dog enthusiasts, were initially found across the northern border of America in the province of Newfoundland, Canada; Therefore, we can consider Newfoundland as the first breeding ground for Labrador Retrievers. This naming may be a bit confusing for you from a geographical point of view, and it may surprise you that, of course, you are right; the region of Newfoundland, from which this name is derived, is located in the northwest of the island of Newfoundland. Well, this conflict of words and the region that is the home of Labrador Retrievers may be a little strange for people who have studied geography.

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What is the story of Labrador Retrievers?

We can consider the history of Labrador Retrievers to be relatively old and long, and it is an exciting story to hear. So far, you have encountered a contradiction in the dog’s name and courtship, which we said earlier in the article. In this part, to clear the confusion, we have to go back 500 years, when the Europeans were discovering a new coastal route to Canada, and They used to travel to this country through sea voyages.
History of Labrador Retrievers goes to St. John’s Water Dog, which is now extinct and only a statue remains and the only dog ​​statue of St. John is located in Harborside Park. The dogs of this neighborhood, which is called Newfoundland, were of different sizes, the largest of these dogs is known today as the Newfoundland breed, and the smallest of them is the dog that we are talking about in this article is, Labrador Retrievers.

Labrador Retrievers were very fond of water, and their ability and skill in swimming made fishermen take them with them on their sea trips. In these voyages, the dogs helped the fishermen to catch the fish that slipped and sometimes even fetched the fishermen’s hats that fell into the water. According to the reports from those trips, dogs with shorter hair were preferred to dogs with more hair because the ice did not accumulate on the dogs’ hair, and dogs with short hair were more suitable for these trips.

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old image of Labrador retriever fetching duck

Copyright AKC

Were Labrador Retrievers popular in the past?

The definitive answer to the question is yes. The fishermen of the Newfoundland region were proud of their dogs, and they always asked their dogs to perform a show of catching fish for people during their trips when they docked in England. And by throwing objects, they asked their dog to bring that object to them and provided an exciting show for the people of England. This popularity of Labs made it a profitable side Hussle for Canadian sailors; merchants and sailors bought and sold dogs, turned them into export products, and sent them to other countries. Various types of dogs of this breed were exported, and it should be noted that today Labrador Retrievers are the only remaining breed of those dogs.

How was the name given to Labrador retrievers?

It is interesting to know that even the naming of this breed of dogs was due to their popularity among people, and the popularity of these dogs caused them to separate it from other species and give it a separate name; In this way, one of the viewers of the show concluded that these dogs have high skills in hunting ducks, so he provided a program to breed these dogs and named them Labradors apart from other species. However, nowadays, Labrador has various types, and Retrievers are one of the types of this breed.

smiling labrador retriever in purple flower field

How long does Labrador retriever history go back?

They were from Newfoundland but were brought to England in the 1800s by fishermen and voyages to Canada/ England. The warm reception of these dogs in England made them grow and breed in this region, and even the name Labrador Retriever was named by an English person who tried to grow and breed these dogs.

Regardless of where these dogs are found, due to their popularity, they were and still are kept as pets in European countries such as Scotland, England and other countries as well such as America, Canada, etc.

last word

in this article, we talked about the origin and history of the Labrador Retriever. If you are aware of the origin of your beloved breed, it can help you in its upbringing, or if you are considering getting a Labrador retriever, we hope this article is helpful for you. As the last word, thank you for your time. Please share your comments with us to improve the quality of our articles.

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