Are Labs Good with Kids? The Truth!

Reading Time: 4 mins

Image by freepic.diller on Freepik

The Labrador retriever breed is definitely one of the best dog breeds in the world! This breed, considered a popular dog among families, became the third most popular dog in the world in 2019. The Labrador retriever breed can be the best choice if you are looking for a kind, intelligent and beautiful dog with a very good relationship with children. This dog is trendy because of its attractive appearance and good manners, and is considered a family dog and a working dog.

Labrador is a perfect and friendly friend and companion for children. They enjoy being around children and love attending children’s birthday parties. They are friendly with the guests and audience at the party. Although Labrador retriever behaves well and intimately with children, they should not be left alone with them. It would be best if you also taught your children how to interact and deal with them and monitor their behavior. Teach your children not to touch their ears and legs and not approach them when eating or resting.

Read More: Labrador Retriever History: What you didn’t know!

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What makes Labrador retrievers an excellent choice for families with children?

Emotional bonding

Children growing up experience a lot of things and having a best friend who is always in the mood for play and activities is an added bonus because of their emotional bond. You have to know that dogs can’t communicate with us with words of any kind. They learn our body language and we learn theirs. Having a loving pet for children like the Labrador is a blessing. They communicate with children on an emotional level and will love them unconditionally.

Read More: 16 Reasons Why Dogs are the cure for loneliness!

watch this amazing videos to see how protective labs are of children.

Being active and full of energy

The first and most basic reason that Labrador retrievers are excellent pets for families with children is that they are very active and love to play and have fun. Being energetic and enthusiastic has made them good playmates for children who always need playmates for their games.

Read More: Having a Labrador as a Pet: Pros & Cons

Being sociable

The Labrador retriever breed is very social, which makes it an excellent pet for families with children. Children at a young age do not respect dogs’ privacy and are very interested in playing with dogs. Labs are very social if they are trained, and they are very interested in children`s attention towards them.

Read More: 16 Tips for Socializing Your Labrador Puppy + FAQs

They are not difficult to clean

Another reason this breed is popular is that it is not difficult to clean or groom them because they have short fur, which can also be a convincing reason to prove that they are good pets. Of course, it is good to know that despite easy cleaning, shedding is common among them, especially in autumn and spring.

Read More: Do Labrador retrievers shed a lot? Causes & how to reduce it!

being reliable and loyal

Loyalty is indeed an inherent characteristic of dogs. Still, the Labrador retriever breed is also reliable in addition to being loyal, enabling you to leave your child with him with complete confidence and be sure that there is no risk to his health. But remember that you should be cautious and try not to leave your Lab alone with your child for long periods of time.

Read More: Are Labradors Protective of Their Families? Explained!

How to prepare a Lab for keeping at home?

If you plan to keep Labs as a pet and stay with children, you should do a series of things to avoid any possible accidents. These include:


Having a dog means buying a few necessary things like a leash, collar, crate, food bowl, dog food, treats, and chew toys. So, get driving!

Veterinarian visit

Before you bring the dog home, you should have a veterinary appointment so that tests can be done to prove that the dog does not have a particular disease that is dangerous for you or your child. However, you should include a visit to the vet in your dog’s regular schedule.

Read More: 15 Signs That Its Time To Visit The Vet Immediately

Education and consistent training

By keeping Labs as pets, they become part of your family. They need much training to be well-behaved. After they enter the house, especially if they are puppies, the necessary training should start. These trainings reduce the danger they pose to the members of the house, especially children.

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Preparing the house

If you plan to add a Labrador to the family members, you must prepare the conditions of the house to keep it. First, if you live in an apartment with a small area, we do not recommend keeping this breed because they need much space to live. In the next step, it is better not to keep the children and dogs’ bedrooms together in the same room.

Read More: Can Labradors be Left Home Alone? Complete Guide


In this article, we talked about keeping The Labrador retriever breed as a pet in families with children. And we reminded the points that families should consider. These tips include the place to keep them, meeting with the vet, and, most importantly, their proper and long-term training. Please share your thoughts about this article with us.

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