Why To Never Hit a Golden Retriever: a Guide To Positive Discipline + FAQs

Reading Time: 7 mins

Hitting a golden retriever is never acceptable. While it might seem like an effective way to discipline your dog, hitting can cause physical and emotional harm. Thankfully, there are more humane methods of disciplining your pup that doesn’t involve hitting or spanking. In this guide, we’ll explore why hitting a golden retriever should be avoided at all costs and provide some tips for positive discipline techniques you can use instead. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about hitting golden retrievers so you can ensure the safety and well-being of your pup!

Is it ever acceptable to hit, smack, or spank a golden retriever?

Hitting with Power:

It is never acceptable. Using physical force to discipline your golden retriever, whether with a hand, a stick, or anything else, will only lead to more problems. Not only is hitting your pet physically and emotionally harmful, but it also creates a negative association between you and your pet. Your golden retriever will become afraid of you and will try to avoid you for a while, if not forever!

Using Objects to Hit:

Even hitting with objects is not permitted. This associates the object with fear, and your golden retriever may believe you’re hitting them for no reason. This will cause more confusion and may even result in physical harm if the object is too hard or heavy.

Yelling and light hitting:

Light hitting or smacking your pup with an open hand and yelling are not recommended. While yelling may startle your golden retriever, it will not help them understand what is wrong. Light hitting can cause confusion and worsen your dog’s behavior.

Smacking with your hand:

It may appear that rubbing your puppy’s snout with your hand or a newspaper is a good way to correct bad behavior. However, this is ineffective and can be harmful. Hitting the snout hurts your golden retriever physically and emotionally and reinforces that hitting is an acceptable form of discipline.

The Bum Spanking:

Spanking the bum is also not a good way to discipline your golden retriever. Although it may appear to be harmless, hitting your pup’s bum can be just as damaging as hitting other parts of his body and can cause fear or confusion.

Spanking for Fun:

Many people believe it is acceptable to hit or spank their dogs in a playful manner. This is not true. Even if you hit them in a playful manner, your golden retriever may not understand why and may associate hitting with fear or aggression from you.

Wrestling for Laughs:

Wrestling or roughhousing with your golden retriever can be enjoyable for both of you. However, it is critical to keep the intensity low, as hitting of any kind should never be considered.

12 Reasons Why You Should Never Hit A Golden Retriever

  1. Hitting dogs can cause them physical and emotional harm.
  2. Hitting reinforces destructive behavior.
  3. Physical force establishes a negative bond between the golden retriever and the owner.
  4. It may cause the puppy to become confused.
  5. Yelling at the puppy does not help them understand what is wrong.
  6. Hitting with an open hand is physically and emotionally painful.
  7. Spanking or hitting the bum is just as bad as hitting other parts of the body.
  8. Even playful hitting can instill fear or aggression in your golden retriever.
  9. It raises their stress levels and causes them to become anxious.
  10. You make their home dangerous for them. Imagine yourself feeling this way!
  11. They may act out and exact some sort of retaliation. Perhaps your shoe will go missing!
  12. Hitting a golden retriever has a profound effect on them, and they will remember it for the rest of their lives!

golden retriever puppies in grass field smiling

What Are the Alternatives to Hitting Golden Retrievers for Misbehaving?

Positive reinforcement:

Rewarding your golden retriever for good behavior is an effective method of teaching them what you expect of them and discouraging bad behavior.


When your dog misbehaves, redirect their attention to another activity or object so that they are no longer focused on the undesirable behavior.


As a form of punishment for misbehavior, place your golden retriever in a room or crate for a short period of time.

Remove privileges:

When done correctly and consistently, taking away privileges such as treats, toys, walks, and so on, can be an effective form of discipline.

Positive reinforcement training/training classes:

Professional trainers can teach you how to use positive reinforcement techniques effectively with your golden retriever, preventing bad behaviors while developing desirable ones.

Ignore the behavior:

Ignoring negative behaviors, such as barking or jumping, is an effective way to discourage them without hitting or yelling at your pet.

Exercise more frequently:

Ensuring that your golden retriever gets enough exercise each day is critical in preventing behavioral issues in the first place!


In some cases, medication may be required to help your puppy’s behavior. If you believe this is the best option, consult with your veterinarian.

Shock Collars:

Never use a shock collar to discipline your golden retriever. They are cruel and can cause physical and psychological harm.

Why should you never hit a golden retriever puppy?

The Golden Retriever Puppies are especially vulnerable to hitting and spanking because it can make them fearful or aggressive. It’s critical to remember that hitting a puppy teaches them nothing and only makes them more likely to misbehave in the future. Always use positive reinforcement when training a golden retriever puppy; never use force!

When your golden retriever puppy misbehaves, no matter how tempted you are, hitting should never be an option. Positive discipline techniques are effective ways to teach your dog good behavior while avoiding physical or psychological harm.


It is obvious that hitting, spanking, or smacking golden retrievers as a form of discipline is never acceptable. These actions can cause physical and emotional pain for the puppy, as well as confusion and increased stress levels. Positive reinforcement with treats and rewards, redirection to another activity or object when they misbehave, time-outs in a room/crate, removing privileges such as toys or walks, and ignoring certain behaviors are all effective alternatives to hitting that will help you train your pup without resorting to violence. Furthermore, getting plenty of exercise every day will go a long way toward preventing bad behavior from occurring at all!

girl hugging a golden retriever with love


Do golden retrievers forgive when they are hit?

No, hitting your dog can result in physical and emotional harm. It is not recommended to hit your dog as a form of discipline, and they are unlikely to forgive you if you do.

Are shock collars an effective method of training golden retrievers?

No, using a shock collar on a dog is cruel and can result in physical and psychological trauma. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewarding good behavior and removing privileges when they misbehave, are more effective than hitting or using shock collars.

Is it okay if I spank my golden retriever?

No, spanking your dog is not an effective form of discipline and can result in physical and emotional harm. More humane methods of disciplining your dog include rewarding good behaviors with treats, redirecting their attention when they misbehave, providing regular exercise, and ignoring certain negative behaviors.

Do golden retrievers understand when they are spanked?

No, spanking your puppy is not an effective training method and can be confusing or frightening. Positive reinforcement with treats and rewards, redirection to another activity/object, deprivation of privileges when they misbehave, and plenty of exercises are all more humane methods of disciplining your dog.

How Do You Apologize to a Dog After Hitting Them and Feeling Bad?

Apologizing to a dog is unlikely to be effective because hitting can cause physical and emotional pain. If you feel bad about hitting your dog, use positive reinforcement techniques instead of hitting as punishment to ensure it never happens again. You can also give your pup extra love and attention afterward to help them regain trust in you.

Can I spank my golden retriever if he barks excessively?

No, spanking your golden retriever is not an effective or humane training method, and it can cause physical pain and emotional distress. Instead, try redirecting their attention to another activity/object when they bark, rewarding good behaviors with treats, removing privileges when they misbehave, and providing plenty of exercises each day to prevent barking in the first place.

You spanked your dog, and now you’re sorry. What should I do next?

If you spanked your dog, the best thing you can do is make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Is it possible to kill a golden retriever by hitting it on the nose?

depends on the force! Smashing a dog’s nose can cause serious injury or even death. It is not advisable to hit your dog as a form of discipline. Nose patting for good behavior and nose boops are both harmless and entertaining.

Is it acceptable to hit a golden retriever with a newspaper?

No, hitting a dog with a newspaper is not a humane or effective way to discipline them. Positive reinforcement techniques should be used instead, such as rewarding good behavior.

After I hit it, my golden retriever puppy peed. What does it mean?

Hitting your dog can cause physical and emotional trauma, leading to stress-related accidents such as peeing. Hitting or spanking as a form of discipline is not recommended. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as rewarding good behavior and removing privileges when children misbehave, are your best bet!

Is it illegal to smack a dog?

Hitting a dog is illegal in some countries and may be considered animal abuse. Instead of hitting, use positive reinforcement techniques.

Can you hit a golden retriever puppy because it bit you?

No, hitting a puppy is not an effective or humane training method. Instead, try redirecting their attention when they bite you, rewarding good behavior with treats, removing privileges when they misbehave or providing plenty of exercises daily to prevent biting.

Is hitting a dog considered animal cruelty?

Yes, hitting a dog is animal cruelty and can result in physical and emotional pain. Hitting or spanking as a form of discipline is not recommended.

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