Pros&Cons of Adopting/Buying a Dog

Reading Time: 8 mins
smiling golden retriever head petted by man

Adoption or buying? When choosing a pet, you are faced with a big challenge. The main challenge is not knowing whether to buy or adopt. Each of these methods has several advantages and disadvantages. For example, by adopting a pet, you can save him from a terrible fate, and you will have a loyal and permanent friend. But by buying a puppy, you can get helpful information about the history of the animal and its training. If you don’t know why you should choose to adopt instead of buying a dog, pay attention to the following points.

Why is dog adoption better?

It is estimated that millions of pets are killed every year because too many people abandon their animals, and no one adopts them. Shelters have limited space and must make difficult decisions about keeping animals. If the fate of abandoned animals is essential to you, you should reconsider your decision. Adoption helps save animals’ lives and protects them from harm. The main advantages of adoption are:

Not supporting violence against animals

You support cruel puppy mills when you buy a puppy from a pet store. Dog breeding factories prioritize financial gain over animal welfare. In these factories, puppies are housed in poor conditions. The lack of medical care has caused them to contract various diseases and will have behavioral problems. Fertile mothers are kept in isolated cages, And after they are no longer profitable and lose their reproductive power, they are easily thrown away or killed. These animals are discarded or sold at auctions for low prices.

Facilitate the selection of your companion

Each person has different behavioral and moral characteristics. Dogs are also entirely different from one another. Some are aggressive, and others are cautious and calm. It would be best if you chose a dog compatible with your personality for the peace of the house. The dogs kept in the shelter are raised, and their personalities are recognizable. Shelter employees know their ethical characteristics and can help you choose. Remember that rescue groups and animal shelters are full of healthy animals that you can adopt. Most animals are abandoned for no faults and are eager to be adopted. Isn’t it an excellent opportunity to save an animal?

Shelter animals are already house trained

Dogs are abandoned due to human problems; for example, families are traveling or cannot take good care of their dogs. Aging or illness is another reason why pets are discarded. They have spent most of their lives in homes, so they are disciplined by nature. Animals that spend a long time in the shelter are also trained on some level. So your work is easier after adopting.

You are responsible for protecting the environment

To protect the environment, we recycle plastic and waste so they do not end up in landfills. There are many ways to use recycled pets. You’ll be more than happy to adopt a pet, and we should not allow cruel pet factories to hurt these animals. We shouldn’t let pets spend their lives in cages in animal shelters. Animals also like to hang out with friends and family; we should not take this right away from homeless animals. They have been oppressed and deprived of happiness. We will give them what they deserve by adopting them.

You become a better person with kindness

There are too many abandoned animals and not enough shelters. This is a real danger that threatens the lives of animals. Abandoned animals may starve to death, get hit by cars, or be abused by other animals and humans. Kind people have great character. You have to love others selflessly, especially when adopting dogs. You have a lot to learn and discover. The best part about adoption is that it multiplies love. Wouldn’t you like to help dogs in a practical way?

animal in shelter being petted

copyright Wikimedia Commons Erick Pleitez

Save your money

You must pay a high price to buy a robust young puppy from breeders. For this reason, animal shelters do not charge a fee. So adoption costs much less. Furthermore, an adoptable animal is most likely healthy, robust, and somewhat well-looked after. Abandoned animals are usually vaccinated and sterilized by shelters. Vaccination and sterilization are expensive processes for pet owners. So you save time and money by adopting.

Saves two dogs’ lives

By adopting a dog, you save him and give him a chance to enjoy a comfortable life. Additionally, another dog can have a better chance of life. Animal shelters have limited space. Old and sick dogs are euthanized to keep more animals. Adoption frees up a suitable place for an animal in need. Here is at least hope for a real and permanent home.

Why are people still buying dogs?

People know that animal shelters are full of dogs looking for forever homes, and they think about adoption before choosing a new family pet. What are the reasons people still buy dogs? There are three main reasons people buy dogs from breeders or friends instead of adopting.

1- They believe lies about dog adoption

Many misconceptions about dog adoption make it difficult to dissuade people. After all, if one person has an unpleasant experience with pet adoption, it is enough to mislead others. Here are some misconceptions about adoption:

Finding the right dog is impossible

If you are looking for a specific breed or age of your beloved dog, you can find a suitable dog from shelters or foster homes. You should know that you must spend more time choosing a suitable dog from animal shelters and adopting it. Shelter rescuers know that selecting the right pet dog is essential. Many rescue groups will help you choose, move and transfer your beloved dog to a new home. It would be best if you chose a shelter inside your city limits.

three puppies in shelter cage

Shelter dogs are not suitable pets

If someone tells you that a shelter is not a good place to raise dogs or that shelter dogs are not suitable for living in a home, there are two reasons to justify it. He may have had the unpleasant experience of living with an aggressive shelter dog, or he wants to discourage you because of a personal impulse. It is usual for different dogs to behave differently. On the other hand, the limited space of shelters and a large number of dogs make this place unsuitable for breeding dogs. But you can choose a dog that is compatible with your moral character. Shelter staff have enough information about dogs and know them well. Just Make sure you don’t adopt angry and aggressive dogs and bring them into families with small children.

Shelter dogs have much baggage

Each of the shelter dogs has a unique story. So not all dogs in this shelter are suitable for you. You can have a stable relationship with a shelter dog by making the right choice and using the right tools. Dogs need some things for their life. It will take some time for the dog you brought home from the shelter to get used to the new environment because they are more cautious than puppies. However, you will have incredible companionship if you spend enough time training them. If you can establish a good relationship with the dog, his past will not hinder your sincere friendship.

Puppies are free; why should we choose shelter dogs?

Indeed, you have heard from the neighbors that it is free to take care of puppies. Have you calculated the cost of sterilization and vaccination? Two processes are so expensive. In the first year of puppies’ life, you should visit the veterinarian’s office several times for vaccinations and medical examinations. Therefore, the cost of keeping puppies is high. You can adopt your neighbor’s puppy, but not paying is not a good reason not to go to the animal shelter. Most shelters charge very little to adopt a dog. However, the vaccinations of the animals received are up to date and sterilized.

2. Puppies fall in love with you more easily

Another misconception is that puppies fall in love with you sooner. Shelter dogs are more cautious, but they feel no different than puppies. You can see deep kindness and love in their beautiful brown eyes. It’s not wrong to love a cute puppy, but it’s best to prioritize choosing a dog from a reputable shelter. Before choosing a puppy, you need to understand where it was raised, the proper way to care for it, and what food it eats. Training puppies is essential. No matter how cute the puppy is, family members will react negatively when it chews up furniture. Shelter dogs are trained and much more ready to live in a home.

3. Knowing the pet’s history is essential

When buying anything, it is necessary to know its history and background. For example, when purchasing a car, you should ensure that it has not been in an accident. But a dog is not an object. Puppies from pet breeding centers are indeed in worse health conditions than shelter dogs. Shelter dogs are more beautiful and healthier than domesticated breeds. Although you don’t know what happens to shelter dogs in their first year, you can be sure that they have a bright future. It is easier to judge the behavior of adult dogs than puppies. It is impossible to predict the future of bred puppies based on their beauty and health.

The cons of adopting

Several reasons justify the adoption of dogs. In the previous parts, we explained the strengths of this act of kindness. But there are also obstacles and disadvantages in the path of adoption. To make a targeted choice, you should know the advantages and disadvantages. Here are the top barriers to dog adoption:


Space limitations have caused several dogs to be kept in a cage in shelters. If you don’t have another dog and don’t plan on getting one, he may become anxious and worried when he realizes he’s alone. It may be difficult for dogs to transform group life into individual life. Shelter dogs who have been rejected from their previous families are more likely to experience anxiety when alone. When leaving the dog at home, ensure his food bowl is full and he has access to his toys. Shelter dogs are introverted in the first days, and their behavior will be panicky. Most shelter dogs have a complicated past, but that shouldn’t take away from them a promising future.

lonely dog in cage looking with kind eyes

copyright Flickr Spot Us

Aggressive and possessive behavior

Dogs living in shelters love to share food and toys with many other dogs. For this reason, some possessive behaviors are seen. If you do not strengthen this habit, it will disappear over time. Make sure the dog has enough food and toys. If your dog behaves aggressively, seek professional help. Avoid punishing him. Punishment may aggravate his possessive and aggressive behavior.

Unspecified breed

Purebreds are rarely kept in shelters. Most shelter dogs are mixed breeds. It is almost impossible to distinguish their race. If the appearance and breed of the dog are important to you, there will be better options than choosing a dog from the shelter.


There are two ways to choose and keep pets. The easiest way is to go to a breeding or pet store and buy a cute puppy. You can adopt a strong and healthy shelter dog in the second method. In the first method, puppy training, vaccination, and sterilization are essential, which are time-consuming and expensive. But shelter dogs are mature and trained. There are several reasons why adopting a dog is the best option instead of buying one. The main advantages of adoption are: reducing costs, choosing a trained dog, protecting the environment, preventing animal cruelty, and giving abandoned animals a chance again.

Please share your thoughts on adopting instead of buying a dog with us.

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