Why Dogs Cry? The Most Complete Answer!

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Have you ever seen your dog with tears streaming down its face? You may be wondering if dogs can cry and, if so, why they do it. The answer is yes—dogs do in fact cry. But not for the same reasons humans do. Dogs don’t shed tears when they are sad or upset; instead, there are a few different reasons why dogs might produce tears. In this article, we’ll explore these causes and discuss what steps you can take to ensure that your pup stays healthy and happy.

Common Causes When Dogs Cry Tears:

1. Eye Irritation or Injury

This can happen when something hurts your dog’s eyes. For example, if they get hit in the face with a toy, their eyes may tear up.

2. Allergies

Just like people, dogs can have allergies that make them sneeze and cause their eyes to water.

3. Infection or Disease

Sometimes an infection or sickness could make your dog’s eyes watery too.

4. Medication Side Effects

If your dog needs to take medicine, it might make their eyes tear up as one of the side effects.

5. Stress and Anxiety

When dogs are feeling scared or worried, they might cry tears just like humans do!

6. Foreign Objects in the Eye

If something gets stuck in your dog’s eye like dust or sand then this could also cause them to cry tears for relief from the discomfort it causes them!

7. Breeds Prone to Tearing

Some breeds of dogs naturally produce more tears than others due to how their noses are shaped. these breeds include Pugs and Bulldogs!

8. Blocked Tear Ducts

if your dog’s tear ducts are blocked or not functioning properly, this can also cause them to cry tears. Your dog’s eyes may be wet and irritated because his tear duct is blocked.

9. Scratched Cornea

If your dog has a scratched cornea, this could cause them to cry tears as well. The cornea may be scratched, which is common in energetic dogs. The Dog may not only experience wet eyes, but also paw at them, blink excessively, or develop inflammation in the area around it.

10. Sadness or joy

Lastly, some dogs may cry tears of joy when they are particularly happy and content. This is not as common as the other reasons, but it does happen!

The most common cause of dog tears is eye irritation. When dogs are exposed to dust, pollen, or other airborne irritants, their eyes become itchy and uncomfortable. In an effort to soothe the pain, dogs will “tear up” which causes a clear discharge from the eyes. The best way to treat this kind of tear-up is to keep your pup away from any potential irritants and make sure they are not rubbing their eyes with their paws or other objects.

Tear staining is another issue that can affect dogs’ eyes and lead to a buildup of tears. This can be caused by numerous factors such as diet, allergies, bacteria on the fur around the eyes, or simply by the dog’s breed. If your pup is experiencing tear staining, you should speak to your vet about possible solutions.

Can Dogs Feel Sadness? What Causes Their Sadness?

Yes, dogs can feel sadness and they may cry when they are feeling this emotion. Dogs may become sad when they lose something or someone that is important to them, such as a beloved owner or companion. They may also experience sadness if their routine has been disrupted in some way or if something significant has changed in their environment.

It’s important to remember that dogs do not think like humans and it is vital to provide them with the comfort and security they need when experiencing emotions of any kind, including sadness. Spend time playing with your pup, give them plenty of attention and affection, go on walks together, and provide them with consistent structure so that they know what to expect from you each day. Doing these things will help your dog feel more secure and happy, which will help them cope with any sadness they may be feeling.

Do Dogs Cry When Sad or Happy?

Finally, it’s worth noting that dogs can actually cry tears of joy or sadness just like humans do. Dogs produce a hormone called prolactin when they feel good emotions like happiness, love, and excitement. Similarly, when dogs experience negative feelings such as fear or anxiety, they also produce prolactin in response which can lead to the production of tears. So while it may be true that dogs don’t shed tears when they are sad or upset in the same way humans do, they still experience these emotions and express them in their own unique way.

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What to Do When Your Dog is Crying Excessively?

If you notice your dog is crying more than normal or for no apparent reason, it’s important to take them to the vet. Your vet can help identify the cause and determine if there’s something wrong with their health.

If your dog is experiencing excessive tears, there are a few things an owner can do from home to help them.

Firstly, it’s important to make sure that the environment around your pup is safe and secure. You can do this by providing plenty of toys or comfy spots for them to relax and rest. Additionally, spending time with your pup can help them feel supported and comforted.

Secondly, check their eye for anything out of the ordinary. if there is dirt or an object lodged in there. try blowing or light touching to try and remove it yourself.

In addition, you can try using a tear-stain remover to ensure that any tears don’t permanently stain the fur around their eyes. Lastly, talk to your vet about any medications or supplements that may be able to help relieve some of their discomforts and reduce excessive tears.

It’s important to keep an eye out for any changes in your pup’s behavior or tear production. If you notice excessive tears, it could be a sign that something is wrong and it’s time to take them to the vet.


Overall, there are many reasons why dogs might cry tears—from irritation to emotional distress. It’s always best to keep an eye on how much your pup is tearing up and make sure they get the care they need if anything seems off. With a little love and attention, you can ensure that your dog stays healthy and happy for many years to come.

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