Managing Your Golden Retriever Shedding: A Survival Guide

Reading Time: 5 mins
golden retriever looking in camera

Golden Retrievers shed a lot. they are double coated so They lose hair all year, but especially in the spring and fall when their coats blow off. Brush them daily and bathe them once a month to keep their fur from getting all over your house and stock up on lint rollers. also providing a stress free life and proper diet helps control their shedding from the inside.

Are you ready to tackle the furry mess left behind by your beloved golden retriever?

If you’re like most pet owners, you probably could use a few tips for managing your golden retriever shedding.

But don’t fret – with a little knowledge and some useful tricks, you can easily handle it!

Why Golden Retrievers Shed?

First things first! Let’s talk about why golden retrievers shed so much.

The truth is that they have thick, double-layered fur coats designed to protect them from inclement weather and other environmental factors.

Unfortunately, this means that come fall and springtime, they can start leaving tufts of hair all over your house!

aside from seasonal blow out, they shed heavily throughout the year and it will never stop.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of hair that your golden retriever leaves behind on furniture and on your clothes.

So let’s get into it!

Grooming Supplies Make All the Difference

The Best way to manage your golden retriever shedding is by investing in quality grooming supplies.

below is the list and links for essential supplies:

The Golden Rule: Brush Brush and then Brush some more!

Regular daily brushing is the most important thing you can do to reduce shedding in your golden retriever.

Brushing helps remove dead and loose fur before it has a chance to make its way onto the furniture or carpet.

Do it daily with a soft-bristled brush made specifically for dogs.

This will help keep their coat free from mats and tangles while removing excess fur.

golden retriever fur being brished by woman hand

Stock up on Lint Rollers

Lint rollers are an absolute must for pet owners!

They’re great for picking up fur and dander from furniture and clothes.

The best part?

You can find them in just about anywhere, so you don’t need to make a special trip.

Make sure you have lint rollers around your house so you can quickly clean your clothes or furniture.

Make Bath Times Efficient

It’s no secret that golden retrievers love baths, and regular Monthly baths are a great way to manage their shedding!

When you give your pup a bath, make sure you use shampoo and conditioner specifically formulated for double-coated dogs. This will help keep their coat healthy and reduce the amount of fur they shed.

Comb their hair during and after the bath, and then brush them again when they’re dry.

This will help remove any excess fur that might be left behind.

it’s important not to wash your Golden Retriever too often.

When you bathe a puppy too often, you constantly wash away the natural oils that keep their fur and skin healthy.

These oils are important for a healthy coat and a happy puppy.

Keep Them Happy and Relaxed

A happy golden retriever is a less-shedding golden retriever!

just like humans, dogs lose their hair more when they are stressed or afraid.

Make sure you give your pup plenty of exercise, playtime, and cuddles. This will help keep them relaxed and reduce their stress levels which can lead to excessive shedding.

It’s also important to give them a place where they feel safe and secure at home so that they won’t be tempted to wander off if things start getting stressful for them.

A proper Diet Really Makes a Difference

A good diet is essential for any pet, and golden retrievers are no exception.

Make sure your pup is eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein and omega-3 fatty acids to keep their coat healthy.

Eating enough food and getting the proper nutrients can help reduce shedding in golden retrievers, as well as improve their overall health.

no amount of outside influence can really make a difference in the amount of hair a dog loses. they just control where it goes and when!

so a proper diet is crucial for managing a golden retriever`s shedding amount from the inside.

Supplements With Fish Oil also help

fish oil supplements can help give your pup a healthy coat.

Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids which helps keep their skin and fur healthy and reduces shedding.

You can find fish oil supplements at most pet stores, so make sure to pick some up if you’re looking for an extra boost.

Vacuum Regularly

make sure you vacuum regularly around your house. This will help pick up any fur or dander before it has a chance to settle on furniture or carpet.

Investing in a good pet vacuum will make this task much easier.

Have Realistic Expectations

No matter how well you take care of your golden retriever, they will still shed.

It’s completely normal for a double-coated breed like the golden retriever to lose fur, so don’t be discouraged.

Just remember that these furry friends come with lots of love and happiness, so be prepared to put in a bit of extra work to keep them looking their best.

With the right care, you can keep your pup’s shedding under control and enjoy all the cuddles that come with owning a golden retriever!


No matter how much shedding is happening with your golden retriever, never ever shave them.

Shaving a double-coated breed like the golden retriever can actually lead to more shedding and can cause their coat to become thin and patchy!

If you’re looking for ways to manage the amount of fur they shed, stick with brushing, bathing, and diet changes.

Final Thoughts on Managing Shedding in Golden Retrievers

Managing golden retriever shedding comes down to making sure that they are groomed properly and given the right nutrients.

Investing in regular grooming supplies, brushing them regularly, giving them a proper diet, and providing them with a safe environment will all help control and reduce the amount of fur they shed each day.

So don’t forget to put these tips into action if you want to keep your pup’s shedding under control!

And of course, always remember to enjoy the cuddles and furry hugs that come with owning a golden retriever.

After all, even though they do shed a lot of fur, there’s no doubt that their love for us is worth it!

🙂 Good luck!

Read More: Golden Retriever Coat Maintenance! 0 to 100 explained!

Read More: 7 Nutritional Needs of a Senior Golden Retriever

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