Why do Dogs Pant? and How To Reduce Panting!

Reading Time: 5 mins
black dog panting

Panting is a common behavior in dogs, and it can be caused by a variety of reasons. Whether your dog is excited or has been exercising, panting allows them to cool down and regulate their body temperature. However, excessive panting may be an indication of something more serious such as pain, overexertion, heatstroke, or even heart and respiratory problems. It’s important for pet owners to take note if their pup is panting excessively so that they can take the necessary steps to ensure their health and well-being.

Your duty as a person who already has a dog or plans to keep one as a pet is to have much information about them as possible. The panting of dogs is one of the things that can be normal or dangerous. As the person who has accepted that dog’s responsibility, you must prevent any possible accident.

As a dog owner, you should be aware of your dog’s normal breathing patterns; abnormal breathing patterns are cause for concern. If these symptoms are accompanied by panting, you should consider taking your pet to the veterinarian:

  • Pacing uncontrollably
  • Tremors
  • Pain cries
  • changing the color of the gums
  • changing the color of the tongue

What is the primary cause of dog panting?

To answer this question, there are several possible causes for your Dog to pant. Panting is normal for dogs when they are excited, hot, anxious, or afraid. It is important to note that the majority of the time, the reason for Dog panting is minor and instinctive.

But suppose you have a history of owning a dog, or you currently own one. In that case, you know that no one knows your dog better than you, and it is logical that when the dog’s breathing is abnormal and for no apparent reason, you should go to the vet to find out the main reason by examining your dog.

Here is a list of situations in which dogs pant.

  • The most common reason is that dogs cool off by panting.
  • Dogs pant in response to anxiety or fear
  • Dogs pant in response to anxiety or fear
  • The dog could be suffering from Cushing’s disease.
  • Prolonged panting in a dog may indicate cancer.

As you can see, we can treat many of these problems quickly and without the need for a veterinarian. But sometimes, you should ask the vet to help you take care of your dog.

black long hair dog panting

Why does my dog pant so much?

According to research on dog panting, it is caused by their high activity level, irritability, and heavy coats. It should be noted that when it is hot, dogs do not sweat like humans; instead, they rapidly expel heat from their bodies through their mouths.

You must understand the natural behavior of your pet’s panting in order to determine whether or not the cause is a potential problem such as allergy or disease.

Why is my sleeping puppy panting?

Researchers in this field have concluded that if the dog is an adult and is panting while sleeping during the night, it is dangerous and should be discussed with a doctor. It is normal for puppies and poses no health risks. It should be noted that the puppy’s nighttime panting, if it is very loud and continues, is cause for concern and should be discussed with the veterinarian. However, in general, panting during the night is normal and safe for puppies.

Dogs of all ages, including puppies, pant to cool themselves. The reason for this is that dogs and puppies are covered in fur, which prevents them from sweating through their skin. Puppies open their mouths and expose their tongues to the air, cooling themselves.

However, puppies may continue panting while sleeping, so there is no need to be concerned; however, panting while sleeping is not a good sign in older dogs.

Is dog panting a cause for concern?

If you’ve never taken care of a dog before and want to keep one as a pet, you might be concerned about their panting and, at first, think it’s dangerous for your pet. We discussed why dogs pant earlier in this article, and how it is a natural behavior in dogs. However, if you notice unusual panting in your dog, it could be a sign of:

  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • fear
  • Heatstroke
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Heart disease
  • Respiratory diseases

If the cause of your dog’s panting is something like stress or heat stroke, there is no reason to worry too much, but if it is something like heart disease, you should follow up with your vet.

golden retriever panting with mouth open

How to reduce panting in dogs?

If you’ve ever had a dog as a pet, you’ll know that panting is a normal behavior in dogs. Even if you’ve never had a dog before and are thinking about getting one, you’ve probably gotten the gist of it by reading this far. Dogs avoid heat stroke by panting and expel heat from their bodies. However, if you notice your dog’s breathing is unusual, you should investigate the cause and, if necessary, take preventative measures. To reduce panting in dogs, you must first identify the cause of their panting and then consider treating and eliminating it.

Here is a list of things to reduce panting in Dogs (if no severe problem is causing it):

  • Relaxing. Try to stay close to your Dog. If you realize that the reason for your dog’s panting is anxiety, you can relax by being close to him and reducing this anxiety that leads to panting.
  • Chill them down. If your Dog was outside playing on a hot summer day, bring them inside and give them cool water. Spraying them with water or placing them in front of a fan will help them cool down.
  • Safe place. Provide a safe space for your dog. By providing a safe space that belongs to your dog, you can restore peace of mind to your dog.
  • Anxiety covers. Providing your dog with an anti-anxiety blanket will calm him down. These covers act like a baby’s swaddle and reduce the dog’s anxiety.
  • Supplement your Dogs. In consultation with your veterinarian, giving supplements containing chamomile, hyacinth, milk protein, etc., dramatically reduces anxiety in dogs.
  • Shed some weight! Helping your overweight Dog reduce weight might decrease panting.
  • Veterinarian visit. If your Dog keeps panting, see a vet. They can make sure your Dog’s panting isn’t medical.


In conclusion, panting is a normal behavior for dogs. It helps them to regulate their body temperature and cool down during times of excitement or exercise. However, excessive panting can be an indication that something more serious may be wrong with your pup, such as pain, overexertion, heatstroke, heart issues or respiratory problems. As pet owners it’s important to pay attention when our furry friends start heavy breathing so we can take the necessary steps to ensure they stay healthy and happy. If you ever suspect there might be something more going on than just regular panting, contact your veterinarian right away!

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