Train your golden retriever to hunt! Full Guide

Reading Time: 9 mins
golden retriever licking his muzzle close up

As soon as you let them off the leash, Golden Retriever takes action. The only thing you see as he darts past bushes, trees, and other unfortunate obstructions is a glimpse of his golden fur. Yes, your Golden Retriever enjoys chasing other animals like birds and bunnies. You adore his enthusiasm and the hint that he might possess a killer instinct. After all, you often spend the early hours of the morning sneaking through fields while carrying a weapon. One of my all-time favorite pastimes is hunting. But now that you want to improve your performance, you believe you know how to do it.

You can train your Golden Retriever to hunt and have a powerful hunting partner.  Golden Retriever will assist you in finding and catching prey. It’s an excellent method to strengthen your relationship with your dog. Not to add, he will learn a variety of practical orders from this kind of training.

Read More: The Golden Retriever : History, Types and Traits

How to Prepare a Golden Retriever for Hunting

Hunters with experience are aware that a golden retriever is a safe bet. One of the top hunting dog breeds, these active canines were bred for hunting experiences.

You may watch a retriever spring into activity and begin chasing birds or nearby animals as soon as you let them off the leash.

These loyal canines have a killing instinct that can be activated when necessary, despite having golden fur and a pleasant face that may not immediately signal danger.

Creating Tasks

It’s not simple to teach a Golden Retriever to hunt. Both of you will need to be disciplined and strong-willed. You’ll need to be able to acquaint Golden Retriever with his potential prey from a young age. If you want your dog to be a successful hunter, you’ll also need to help your dog naturally acquire the necessary hunting abilities.

You’ll need to employ the appropriate incentive to do all of this.

Fortunately, Golden retrievers have a soft hearts, much like most dogs.

Therefore, positive reinforcement will be crucial.

white golden retriever carrying duck in mouth in forest

You may need more time if your Golden Retriever is older, unyielding, or not the best listener.

If you persevere in your training, hopefully, the days of going home empty-handed are behind you.

Although they are now more commonly known as companions, Golden were initially bred as hunting dogs over 150 years ago, and they continue to make excellent field companions today.

Read More: Having a Golden Retriever as a Pet: Pros & Cons

So how can you make your animal friend a fearsome hunting partner? How can a Golden Retriever be taught to hunt at your side?

Follow along to find out!

Reasons to Teach Your Golden Retriever to Hunt

A terrific method to strengthen your relationship with your furry buddy and raise your hunting score is to teach your golden how to hunt.

If you are successful, you will have a trustworthy hunting partner to assist you in finding and capturing prey.

It won’t be simple, but with the proper training, your retriever will learn discipline and valuable commands.

Both sides must have the ability to resist.

check out this video where a hunter ins hunting for ducks and he has attached a gopro camera to his golden. amazing video!

When Should You Begin Getting Them Ready For Hunting?

You must get started as soon as possible for the finest outcomes. In this manner, your dog will have ample time to acquire all the hunting abilities required to become a successful hunter (and not develop bad habits that will inhibit them later on).

puppies learn far more quickly than older dogs. The good news is that even if they are still young, you will see the first results in just a few weeks or months.

If you want to go hunting with your golden retriever, consider these pointers:

Master the fundamentals of working with dogs first.

It’s important to teach your pup the basics of hunting protocol before he goes on his first expedition. Goldens are eager to please and intelligent, but you shouldn’t skip the puppy training stages. Once your dog understands the commands “sit,” “stay,” and “drop it,” you’ll be ready to move on.

The importance of early exposure cannot be overstated

Some golden retrievers don’t have a natural inclination to find water. Instead of a regular pool, take your puppy swimming in a kiddie pool. With time and perseverance, you can get your puppy over her fear of the water. You should go swimming with her. She’ll start associating water with good times after watching you play.

Justify to your pet the safety of firearms.

There’s a learning curve involved in being around firearms, just like there is with puppies and with water. Dog training is something that should never be rushed. Demonstrate your firearm and play recordings of gunfire. The combination of clumsy puppies and firearms is a recipe for disaster. After your puppy has gotten used to the sound of guns and other loud noises, you can take them to target practice. Your dog needs ear protection from constant gunfire.

A short trip is ideal for a first adventure.

In order to prepare for hunting season, you and your dog should go on a boating trip. Make sure that your dog is obedient both in and out of the water, and give her time to get used to sitting beside you on the deck.

Read More: Hiking with Dogs: 19 Things You Should Know Before You Go.

Develop your dog’s sense of smell with training.

Rather than using food as a reward, you should use scented dummies or duck wings when training your dog. Fetch shouldn’t be too difficult if your dog is already well-trained in the basics.

golden retriever swimming with prey in mouth

Which Training Technique Is Best To Teach Them To Hunt?

Similar to most dogs, golden retrievers respond best to praise.

Given that goldens love food, treats are your best friend. However, you should also use heaps of praise to let them know when they’re acting appropriately.

What Will Your Golden Retriever Need to Learn About Hunting?

The following is a list of everything you will need for practical training:

  • Decoy toys
  • Scent spray
  • Supply of tasty treats

When Should You Train Your Golden Retriever (And How Often)?

Spending at least fifteen minutes a day training with your dog is important. The more frequently you train, the sooner you’ll reap the rewards of your hard work.

When to start training them doesn’t matter, but your dog has to be well-rested to follow your directions.

Where Your Golden Retriever Should Be Trained To Hunt?

It’s best to train in the setting where your dog will be hunting.

If you cannot accomplish that, at the very least, make sure there is enough room. If your yard isn’t big enough, look for a nearby field that will work.

check out this video of a golden retriever being the best that she can be as a hunting partner!

How Are Golden Retrievers Trained to Hunt?

You can try the following three techniques:

  1. 1. The Early Start Method
  2. 2. The Watch & Learn Method
  3. 3. The Scent Method

1. The Early Start Method

Obedience training

Take your Golden Retriever to group obedience lessons as a first step.

He can learn helpful commands here, like “wait” and “down,” which he will use in the future.

Additionally, since you don’t want Golden Retriever to become extremely violent, it will help your dog socialize with other animals.

Read More: Do you have a disobedient Golden Retriever? Causes and Solutions

Play Games

Play tug-of-war and retrieve with decoy toys for a few minutes each day.

This will first acquaint your dog with its potential prey.

Second, it will assist in the natural development of the abilities he will require later on while taking down prey.

Hunting session

Take your Golden Retriever out into the area where he will go hunting while leashed.

Get your dog accustomed to strolling silently through fields.

Additionally, you should familiarize your dog with the sights and sounds he may encounter.

For instance, if your dog hears a gunshot, you don’t want the dog to run away.

Reward for jobs done

Make sure your dog is always rewarded for pursuing prey. Give your dog a pleasant reward, engage the dog in play, and compliment your dog. Even if he doesn’t catch anything at first, reward your dog. If you don’t, he might give up shortly.

Never use physical punishments.

Don’t teach your Golden Retriever to hunt with punishing methods.

Because of this, he can become hostile and potentially dangerous.

Instead, emphasize encouraging reinforcements.

The best way to instruct Golden Retriever is in this manner.

Read More: 19 Ways to Encourage Good Behavior in Your Pup

golden retriever playing fetch bringing back

2. The Watch & Learn Method

Draw attention

This approach is predicated on Golden retrievers picking up knowledge from their owners.

You’ll soon see Golden Retriever imitating parts of your actions and looking to you for guidance on responding to certain situations.

So it’s your responsibility to agitate your dog with his prey.

Star by routinely going on the hunt for it.

When you see it, make every effort to get his attention by pointing, whispering, and so on.

Charge towards pray

You must go on to the next phase when your dog realizes what you’re doing.

With your arms extended and shouting, run in the direction of the prey.

You might appear odd, but if Golden Retriever notices that the prey is always animating you, he’ll quickly come to believe it too.

Reward for good deeds

Make sure he receives a respectable reward when he does chase the prey alongside you.

This can be your dog enjoying a snack or playing with a toy.

Do this each time your dog makes a run for it.

Consistency is key

The challenging aspect of this strategy is maintaining consistency.

Even though it may be exhausting, you must attract his attention by pursuing the prey each time you spot it until he begins to do so on his own.

When you stop being interested, he might as well.

Stay committed and powerful throughout.

Let them learn on their own speed

You can relax and remain still as soon as he begins pursuing prey on his own.

You will need to exercise patience, however.

In the beginning, your Golden Retriever won’t be successful every time.

But that’s okay; allow your dog some time to perfect its hunting method.

Just be there to reward your dog at the end, and he will pick it up quickly.

golden retriever with goose in mouth

copyright Wikimedia Commons

3. The Scent Method

Decoy game

Fool around for a little while at home after dousing the decoy toy in smell spray each day.

Play tug-of-war, use a high-pitched voice when speaking, and get your dog as excited about the toy as you can.

They can also spend the night in a Golden Retriever bed

You want your dog to startle at even the slightest hint of them.

Setup the session

Now take the decoy and spray outside into your yard.

Wipe the decoy’s scent-covered surface over your yard and the surrounding area.

In conclusion, bury it somewhere.

Golden Retriever will learn from you how to detect potential prey.

Start with Motivation

Bring your Golden Retriever to the trailhead while keeping your dog leashed.

Encourage your dog to follow the trail by making pointing and hushed sounds and gestures.

Encourage your dog once more and gently nudge the dog back if he wanders off.

Reward for a job well done

Make sure Golden Retriever finds the decoy at the trail’s finish.

Your Golden Retriever must understand that if he persists, there is always something waiting for him at the finish.

Experiment and change it up

All that’s left to do is create scent trails a few times per week. Make them more challenging and farther apart, though, over time. Start producing them in surrounding fields where there are more diversions after Golden Retriever becomes proficient. Create trails continuously until your Golden Retriever can locate prey on his own. Then just be prepared to reward your dog when he comes back. You want to make sure that he constantly perceives it as a game.

in the end i invite you to see this video. a golden retriever has partnered up with four hunters. amazing video!


It should be remembered that selecting the proper training approach, patience, persistence, and endurance are all essential components of teaching a dog to hunt successfully.

Read More: 35 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers are Great!

Read More: Golden Retriever Service Dogs: Essential Tips for Training

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Read More: Golden Retriever Coat Maintenance! 0 to 100 explained!

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