15 Tips For Hosting a Dog-Friendly Event

Reading Time: 5 mins
dog under party table smiling

Are you looking for a fun way to bring people together? Why not try hosting a dog-friendly event? From birthdays and picnics to weddings and anniversaries, there are plenty of occasions that can be made more memorable with the addition of four-legged friends. Dog owners will appreciate the opportunity to include their furry companions in an event, while non-dog owners may find themselves charmed by all the canine cuteness. However, it’s important to remember that planning a dog-friendly event requires some extra consideration and care when compared with other types of events. Here are 15 tips on how to host a successful dog-friendly party.

Tips for Hosting a Party that has dogs in it

1. Plan Beforehand

Start planning early and make sure you have enough time to thoroughly prepare for a dog-friendly event. Make sure you include all the necessary preparations in your timeline such as inviting guests, setting up dog-related amenities, organizing food and drinks for both humans and pooches, and obtaining any required permits or licenses.

2. Size Matters!

Determine the size of your dog-friendly Party by considering the number of people and dogs you expect to attend. This will help guide decisions such as selecting a venue, creating an agenda and securing supplies.

3. Location Location Location

Choose a suitable location for your dog-friendly event that can accommodate both humans and their pets comfortably. Consider factors such as accessibility, available space, ground surfaces, weather conditions, and safety when making your decision. A patio or park may be ideal depending on your needs.

4. Set Rules

Make sure to create rules and regulations so that everyone attending is aware of what is expected from them during the event in terms of etiquette with other attendees’ pets or general conduct throughout the duration of the event. This will ensure everyone is on the same page and can enjoy their time without any issues.

furry dog at party wearing a bowtie

5. Provide amenities and treats

Consider providing dog-friendly amenities such as water bowls, toys, and treats to keep everyone’s furry friends happy while attending your event. You may also choose to provide a designated area for dogs, like a pen or fenced-in area, where they can spend time outdoors if desired.

6. Vaccination & IDs

Ensure all attending dogs are up to date with their vaccinations and have proper ID tags so that should anything happen during your event, it is easier to locate them afterwards.

7. Have an Agenda

Create an agenda for the day that allows for structured activities but also free time for people and pets alike – this way you can be sure that everyone is entertained and having a great time.

8. Snacks

Provide food and drinks for both humans and their furry friends at the event – this can include meals, snacks, or even dog-friendly treats like homemade pupcakes or pupcicles!

9. Dog Whisperer

Have someone designated as a “pet whisperer” during the duration of your event who can check in on all guests and their pets, help calm any anxious dogs, provide training advice or just generally be an extra pair of eyes when needed.

10. Dog Entertainment

Have plenty of entertainment options available such as canine agility courses, frisbee competitions, and pet costume contests to keep things interesting throughout the day.

11. cleaning supplies

Make sure to have cleaning supplies on hand to take care of any messes that may occur during the event.

12. Have A Quit Place for Mishcifs

Have a plan in place for what to do if there is any aggression between pets or humans attending your event. Make sure everyone understands beforehand that aggressive behavior will not be tolerated and have a team of people ready to intervene if needed.

golden retrievers and black cat playin together

13. Guests Contact Info

Have contact information available for both guests and their pets in case of an emergency, such as a vet’s number or the contact details of other attendees.

14. Wrap it Up

When it comes time to wrap up, make sure all pet owners are aware they need to collect their furry friends and help them settle in at home after the excitement of the day has died down.

15. Make Memories

Finally, don’t forget to thank everyone for attending and make sure they know their pet is welcome back again anytime! Hosting a dog-friendly party can be a lot of fun and a great way to bring people together – as long as you plan ahead and take the necessary safety precautions it should go off without a hitch. Enjoy!

What to avoid at a party with dogs in it?

  • Don’t forget to check if the event location allows pets.
  • Avoid overcrowding your event, as this can lead to an uncomfortable environment for both people and their pets.
  • Don’t offer pet food that is not intended for dogs.
  • Don’t forget to provide a quiet place where pets can retreat if they become overwhelmed with all the activity.
  • Avoid offering objects or items that could be unsafe for pets (i.e., small objects that could pose choking hazards).
  • Don’t assume that all attending dogs are friendly – be aware of signs of aggression and take necessary precautions in case of any potential issues.
  • Don’t allow pets off their leashes unless you are in a designated pet area.
  • Avoid leaving the event without ensuring that all pets have been collected and are safe.


Hosting a dog-friendly event can be an incredibly rewarding experience for everyone involved. Whether you’re inviting guests to your home or hosting the party elsewhere, it is important to plan ahead and think about all of the safety precautions that need to be taken in order to ensure that both humans and their furry friends are safe and comfortable. With these 15 tips on how to host a successful dog-friendly Party, we hope you have gained some insight into what it takes to make sure your special occasion goes off without any issues! Now get out there and start planning – happy pawtying!

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