Golden Retriever Types (3 Real & 4 Fake ones)

Reading Time: 8 mins
golden retriever laying in a field in autumn smiling

Original Recognized golden retriever types include: American, English and Canadian golden retrievers. made up types include: field bred, mini, show and black golden retrievers.

Dogs such as Golden Retrievers are loyal and intelligent. They are the third most popular dog in the United States because they make great companions for all households

This dog may have a sweet disposition, a shining coat, and a lovely grin, but his amiable personality and superior learning ability really grabs everyone’s attention.

They are very suitable for families with young children and are easily trained.

Also, golden retrievers usually maintain the smile and loving behaviors of the first months of their lives as adults.

there are 3 original types and some made up types of golden retrievers:

Original golden retriever types include:

english, american and canadian golden retrievers

Made up golden retriever types include:

black, field bred, mini and show golden retrievers.

This post will discuss the different Golden retriever Types

before we get into it, lets take a look at the origin and history of the golden retriever breed.

Read More: 35 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers are Great!

True History Of The Golden Retriever Breed

The Golden Retriever breed has only been observed in Scotland, but an old urban legend claims they were initially circus-purchased Russian herding dogs.

But we are confident that the Lord Tweedmouth-owned Highlands in Scotland is where the retrievers were born and raised.

The Golden retriever history goes back to Sir Dudley Marjoribanks (later Baron Tweedmouth) who created the modern Golden Retriever in the nineteenth century by selectively breeding Flat-coated Retrievers with Tweed Water Spaniels and other British dog breeds.

Tweedmouth bred various animals and worked to improve their breed, just like many other noblemen of his era.

The development of weapons caused many birds to fall from the sky during hunting season, which increased the need for an educated retriever to recover the game.

Read More: Train your golden retriever to hunt! (0 to 100 explained)

images by Wikipedia

It was on his Scottish estate that Marjorie banks, in the 1860s, set out to create what he considered to be the ideal retriever breed.

Marjorie bank spent more than 50 years breeding retrievers to create the best hunting dog.

The Tweedmouth records from 1835 to 1890 reveal that he desired a dog with a calm and balanced temperament at home and the ability to withstand Scotland’s harsh weather and terrain.

He mixed the best retrievers with a different breed called spaniels since he was a bird hunter.

The outcome was a canine with a great nose, more eager to please and focused on hunting than other canines. The contemporary Golden Retriever was created in this way.

It took another 14 years for the Golden Retriever to gain popularity in America after it was initially displayed in 1908 at the British Dog Show.

Around 1910, they finally crossed the border from Canada into the United States, and in 1911, the American Kennel Club recognized golden retrievers as a separate breed.

now its time to get to know the original and msfr upgo0lden retriever types!

What are the REAL types of Golden Retrievers?

There are three different original breeds of yellow- or golden-colored golden retrievers.

They are differentiated by their physical traits, brought about by regional variations during breeding, but they are identical in disposition and health.

  • American Golden Retriever
  • English golden retriever
  • Canadian Golden Retriever

American Golden Retriever Review:

The American Golden Retriever is slimmer and more robust than its contemporaries, but he is no less intelligent or sociable than them.

The American Golden Retriever’s eyes are lighter than its other relatives, and the breed is distinguished by its coat’s wide variety of golden hues.

they are a little darker than British Retrievers.

Approval From AKC, or the American Kennel Club

A few Golden Retrievers arrived in the United States in the early 1880s, but it wasn’t until 1925 that the American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognized the breed.

And in 1938, a full quarter century after their British counterpart, the American Golden Retriever Club was established. Across the United States, they have quickly become a beloved and fashionable breed.

smiling golden retriever standing on rock in tall grass field

Review of the English Golden Retriever:

English or British retrievers have longer and more voluminous coats, which makes their appearance more attractive.

Also, the cream color is recognized only for this breed, and they are generally lighter.

The eyes of the English Golden Retriever are round and dark and do not look triangular and elongated like the other two types.

Other characteristics of the British Golden Retriever, including its temperament and behavior, are no different from those of its cousins.

Approval From K.C., or the Kennel Club of the United Kingdom

In 1903, Golden Retrievers were first allowed to be registered with the UK Kennel Club, though they were classified as flat coats of a yellow or golden color.

The Golden Retriever didn’t get to use the name “Golden Retriever” until 1920, when it was officially approved by the KC.

English golden retriever in grass field smiling

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Canadian Golden Retriever Review:

The appearance of the Canadian Golden Retriever looks a little different as if its color is more prosperous and darker.

In addition, their coat is longer and thinner, and they have less fluff and hair on the back of the legs, neck, and tail than other golden retrievers.

Approval From The Canadian Kennel Club

While the United States and the United Kingdom both had clubs for the breed before Canada did (1927), the Golden Retriever Club of Ontario didn’t come into existence until 1958.

Over time, the Golden Retriever Club of Ontario morphed into the present-day Golden Retriever Club of Canada.


Canadian golden retriever close up face smiling

What Are The MADE UP Types of golden retrievers?

some breeders have found ways to identify certain types of golden retrievers so they can sell them at a higher price and after some time, these names were given to some specific styles of golden retrievers. but all these in the list below are offsprings of the main types of golden retrievers and are not actually recognised by any official kennel clubs. these include:

  • Field bred golden retrievers

Field golden retrievers do what golden retrievers were first made to do, which is hunt.

Field-bred goldens are on the smaller side of the size range for goldens. They are athletic and tend to be more driven than other kinds of goldens.

Most of the time, their coats are shorter and range in color from gold to red. They have a lot of energy.

As long as they are trained well and have a job to do, they make great family pets and are great at hunting and agility.

They may also have a lot to say, since they were raised to get things with their mouths.

Field goldens are golden retrievers, but they are a specific type of golden.

  • Show golden retrievers

Show golden retrievers are bred to look a certain way, and dog show judges think that this is how a golden retriever should look.

This has changed over the years, and now show golden retrievers are thick, stocky, and have big bones. Their coats are long and full, and their heads are blocky.

Many people say that this type of golden retriever is friendlier and more social than field goldens and has less energy.

  • Black golden retrievers

There are no such things as black golden retrievers.

They made this list because a lot of people think it’s a color of golden retrievers or a genetic change in golden retrievers.  But in reality, it’s just another breed.

If you see a black golden retriever-looking dog, it’s probably a:

  1. Newfoundland with a flat coat
  2. Black lab and golden retriever mix
  3. A mix of a black German Shepherd and a golden retriever
  4. Other mixes of Labrador, Golden Retriever, Setter, or Spaniel
  • Mini golden retrievers

Mini golden retrievers are not small or dwarf golden retrievers. Instead, they are a cross between a golden retriever, a cocker spaniel, and/or a mini poodle.

Like English Cream golden retrievers, they may have been given this name so that more puppies could be sold.

Most people who breed mini golden retrievers want to make goldens that are smaller, healthier, and shed less.

The idea that mixed breeds are healthier, called “hybrid vigor,” may help these dogs be healthier.

Adding smaller breeds like mini poodles and cocker spaniels will make them smaller, and the fact that they are part poodles may make them shed less, but there are still some concerns about these dogs.

What is the personality of ALL Golden Retrievers ?

This breed’s temperament is distinctive, and it’s simple to fall in love with it because of how lovely and peaceful it is.

Due to its patience and kindness, while interacting with youngsters, the golden retriever is the best choice for households with many children.

They are raised to play in the backyard with their kids or parents and have a strong desire to win the approval of those around them.

They are not strong guardians because this breed gets along with people, other dogs, cats, and most animals.

It should be emphasized that they are not a suitable choice for living alone since they struggle with loneliness, and it is preferable always to have someone at home.

Golden retrievers are also known for their intelligence and willingness to please their owners and have been described as one of the most brilliant dogs for obedience training.

So that this breed ranks fourth in Stanley Korn’s book called The Intelligence of Dogs.

they love work and activity and have a remarkable ability to focus on a specific subject.

These dogs make great swimming and canoeing companions because of their unbridled love of the water.

In sporting events, the Golden Retriever is also very spirited and intelligently competitive.

when training them, positive and effective training methods outperform harsh and ineffective training methods.

The Golden Retriever, like all dogs, has a good and loving spirit when young, but it needs to be adequately trained and socialized by being exposed to various people and situations.

top view of golden retriever barking in grass


No matter what golden retriever type you choose, they’re all loyal, loving and intelligent dogs.

The golden retriever is one of the most popular breeds in the world.

While there are some variations between golden retrievers due to their different origins, they all share similar physical characteristics and temperaments.

These types of golden retrievers will add a lot of joy to your life, so make sure that you pick the right one for you!

Happy Retrievin’!

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Read More: How To Prepare for Your First Golden Retriever Puppy (yourself and your home)

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