How to Raise a Labrador! (All Questions Answered)

Reading Time: 8 mins
labrador retriever puppy left home alone

The Labrador retriever dog can be raised as a friend and constant companion, and to succeed in this task, we must first get to know him and his characteristics well so that we can raise him in the best possible way. This dog has been reigning as the most popular breed in America recently and has even gained fans in many other countries. Although they are famous for their dedication and intelligence, and they devote themselves to their owners, at the same time, they are very playful and responsive! Many families adopt Labradors as apartment and therapy dogs, often training them to help the blind or autistic.

The Labrador retriever breed enjoys doing any family activity, always showing you their affection and asking for attention and praise. They have been winning the competition between the best dog personalities for years; because they are hardworking and reliable and love you more than themselves. They love water and are good swimmers. If you go fishing with a retriever, you will have an incredible experience.

Read More: Having a Labrador as a Pet: Pros & Cons

The first thing you should do after adopting a Labrador retriever

If you bring a Labrador retriever puppy to your home, you must first use social etiquette. First of all, it is what every owner needs to define. This breed is curious and inquisitive to explore the house a lot, so before it causes havoc with its curiosity, please make clear the restrictions for the step you should take to socialize and improve your dog’s manners. The American Labrador retriever breed is a hunting and working dog by nature, and to control this instinct, the necessary training must be done. Doggy daycares are the best option for teaching your puppy the correct behavior to reduce and control his hunting instinct at a young age.

Read More: Why you should adopt instead of buying a dog? Pros & Cons

white labrador retriever puppy sitting on ceramic floor

Do Labrador retrievers need exercise and recreation?

We must say that, as we mentioned earlier in the article, the Labrador retriever breed is very active and playful and needs a lot of physical and sports activities. If you are planning to raise a Labrador retriever, you should remember that at least half an hour to an hour of exercise is necessary for him daily. This period is essential to burn excess energy in them; by giving your Labrador retriever proper exercise, you can prevent many diseases, such as obesity.

Read More: How much exercise do Labradors need? (0 to 100 explained)

What is the personality of Labrador retrievers?

Each special breed of dog has a series of moral characteristics that must be known to raise them properly. Here are some tips about the moral character of Labrador retrievers.

  • Labrador retrievers naturally dislike being scolded because they naturally like to see their owner happy and satisfied, so they will do anything to get your attention. When your Labrador misbehaves, instead of scolding him, remove him and leave him alone because then he will realize his mistake. Treat your dog with praise and encouragement when he does something right.
  • To have an obedient dog, learn to condition him with commands such as (come here), (sit down), (go there), etc., from the time he is still a puppy. In that case, when your dog becomes an adult, he will be obedient.
  • You should know that the personality of the Labrador retriever is such that it is eager to communicate with others, and you should not confine it to its solitude. Instead, you must teach them how to behave with other children and pets. Taking them to the park to have fun and see new things is a good option for Labrador retrievers.

Read More: Aggressive Behavior in Labradors: Causes & Solutions

Read More: Are Labradors Protective of Their Families? Explained!

adult labrador retriever smiling and running in a field of grass

The importance of Labrador retriever grooming

you must know that shedding is one of the prominent features among them. Labrador retrievers have the highest amount of shedding in the two seasons of spring and autumn when the weather changes significantly. In addition to seasonal changes, Labrador retrievers shed throughout the year.

In raising a Labrador retriever, you should consider grooming challenges, and regular cleaning is one of the most important things. Maintaining this breed’s beautiful and stylish body coat is easy, although it will shed a lot, and it is only necessary to comb it daily to remove loose hair from its body. If your Labrador doesn’t roll around in mud and play, a monthly bath will be enough to keep it smelling good and clean. You should brush their teeth daily or at least 2 or 3 times a week to remove the plaque and bacteria inside the mouth.

Read More: Do Labrador retrievers shed a lot? Causes & how to reduce it!

What should you do to keep your Labrador retriever healthy?

  • The first thing you should do after adopting a Labrador is to take him to the vet. Your puppy must be vaccinated regularly to stay healthy and prevent getting sick.
  • Nutrition plays an essential role in the health of your Labrador, so you should pay attention to the food your dog eats. For the first six months of keeping a puppy, feeding your high-quality dog food is essential. After six months of your dog’s life, ask your vet about alternative food for bone growth.
  • When you notice that your puppy needs to go to the bathroom, take him to go potty
  • You should note that it is essential to use a softening shampoo for dogs. Avoid bathing Labrador retrievers with low-quality off-brand products because they have sensitive skin.

Read More: Potty Train Your Labrador: 10-Step Guide

Read More: 16 Tips for Socializing Your Labrador Puppy + FAQs

Read More: 15 Signs That Its Time To Visit The Vet Immediately

smiling Labrador retriever in purple flower field

Where should a Labrador retriever live?

Providing a suitable place for Labrador retrievers to live is very important. Although the Labrador retriever is brilliant and kind and loves each member, it is better to know that it needs much space to live, and because of its athletic spirit and high energy, it should live in houses with ample space and a yard. Their life in apartments and small places may cause problems for you and him. Before raising and maintaining them, be sure you have considered an excellent environment for their life.

Read More: Keeping Labrador retrievers in a city apartment! (wise or not)

Raising a Labrador as a hunting dog

Labrador retrievers are hunting dogs, but your dog will need to be trained well to become a good hunter, since no dog is born knowing how to hunt. Most Labrador retrievers learn to hunt well when they are encouraged to do so. You should spend at least 20 minutes a day on your dog if you want it to be a good hunter. Increasing this time to 30 minutes or even an hour a day can be helpful.

When your dog gets good at easy tasks, it’s time to make them harder. Your Lab should be able to do his job perfectly in no more than a week after you teach him. Take your time. Make it easy for him to do the task, and give him praise when he does well.

Waterfowl hunting should be given the most attention. The training will focus more on sitting and staying, getting things out of water, and getting things from far away. Before you go any further with your training, you should think about what kind of hunting you want to do. Don’t forget to work out for 20 minutes every day, or until you’re both too tired to go on.

Read More: Are Labrador retrievers good hunting dogs? (0 to 100 explained)

black Labrador retriever hunting duck

original image copyright Wikimedia Commons

Raising a Labrador in city apartments

Labrador retrievers can live in the city if you take steps to keep them happy and active.

The Labrador retriever breed is the best choice for a pet because it is a friendly dog that likes to spend time with people. Still, they need a big place to play where they won’t hurt the furniture. So, if your apartment has a lot of space, they could be a good pet for you. Even if you think you only have time to take your Lab outside for an hour a day, even if you live in a small apartment, you are good.

Read More: Keeping Labrador retrievers in a city apartment! (wise or not)

labraqdor retriever laying in city street floor

Raising a Labrador around children

Labrador is the best kind of friend and companion for kids. They like being around kids and love going to birthday parties for kids. They get along with the party guests and audience. Even though Labrador retrievers are friendly and good with kids, you shouldn’t leave them alone with them. You should also teach your kids how to deal with them and keep an eye on how they act. Teach your kids not to touch their ears, legs, or to come near them when they are eating or sleeping.

Read More: Are Labradors Good with Children? (0 to 100 explained)


Leaving Labradors home alone

Labradors can stay home alone for a while if they have been taught how to behave and control their bladders. dogs for shorter amounts of time. Since this breed is very social and prefers to be around people, in small groups, with other dogs, etc., rather than being alone at home with no playmates, it may get sad when it’s alone, which can lead to boredom or anxiety. When they feel scared or bored because they are alone, they start breaking things like furniture, bedding, etc.

If you can’t give your Labrador enough exercise and mental stimulation, it could have serious consequences.

If your Lab shows signs of separation anxiety or destructive boredom, you should never punish it. Labradors need a lot of attention from their owners because they are loving and loyal pets.

If you leave your dog alone all the time and don’t give him anything to do, you might think he’s being disobedient, but it’s really your fault!

Read More: Can Labradors be Left Home Alone? Complete Guide


In this article, we discussed Raising Labrador retrievers and tried to address all the issues and things that may be important for someone planning to keep them as pets or hunting dogs. By reading this article, you can get a general understanding of the personality of the Labrador retriever and essential notes on how to raise them, and you will get to know the environment you provide for their comfort and health. Share your comments with us.

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