Golden Retriever Coat Care: Diet, Grooming, bathing & more!

Reading Time: 12 mins
golden retriever fur being brished by woman hand

Besides diet and exercise, Your attention to your Golden Retriever’s coat is the most important thing you can do to preserve the dog’s health and attractiveness.
Besides being very excellent companions, the reason for the breed’s widespread popularity is its stunning coat.
Keeping their fur in good condition is one of your primary responsibilities as a golden retriever owner; however, you do not need to be an expert at grooming to do so.
Even if you choose to have a professional groomer take care of your Golden Retriever’s coat, you will still be responsible for maintaining it for years on yourself.

If you don’t take good care of the coat`s health and pay attention to details in your dog’s body, they could end up with annoying mats or excruciatingly dry, itchy skin, or you could accidentally damage their coat using the wrong tools. These conditions could be very uncomfortable for you and your golden retriever.

Read More: Having a Golden Retriever as a Pet: Pros & Cons

The purpose of this article about golden retriever coat maintenance is to:

  • Know The variety of coats a Golden Retriever can have and how to take care of each of them properly.
  • What factors influence the state of your dog’s coat, and how can you prevent it in advance.
  • Teach you the information you must have concerning the coat of your Golden Retriever.
  • Why It is essential to your Golden’s overall health that you take care of his coat.
  • Tips on how to make your dog’s grooming experience more enjoyable for them.
  • The dilemma of whether or not to provide additional care for your dog’s coat.
  • Acquire the know-how necessary to maintain the pristine condition of your Golden Retriever’s coat in all stages of its life and all year round.

smiling golden retriever standing on rock in tall grass field

Quick tips before we start

It is necessary to brush the coat of a Golden Retriever anywhere from twice per week up to seven times per week, depending on the dog’s natural shedding pattern and the coat’s thickness.

As a general guideline, you should take a bath at least once every other month. This will preserve the health of their coat and keep it shiny, preventing mats from growing in it.

First, let’s discuss what makes your Golden Retriever’s coat unique.

They have double coats.

The Golden Retriever’s double coat has two types of hair. The animal’s long, smooth coat can be seen and petted. The rich undercoat has shorter, fuzzy hairs. These two layers insulate the skin from heat, cold, and moisture.

Their coat is oiled up.

Because golden retrievers were bred to hunt prey in wet situations, they needed a coat that repels water. Golden Retrievers have oily coats. The greasiness of your dog’s coat is intentional. Even though your Golden Retriever isn’t bred anymore to hunt prey or swim in lakes and dive to retrieve dinner, in these modern times, this coat greasiness trait has been kept.

They have different styles.

Each Golden Retriever’s coat is different. Others have as much fur as a Labrador and are slightly larger than woolly mammoths. Some Goldens have short, silky coats, while others have long, fluffy coats. Fur can be straight or curly. The Head, face, and paws have shorter fur than the back, chest, and extremities. The shade might range from deep crimson to light yellow.

white golden retriever carrying duck in mouth in forest

But all of them shed!

All Golden Retrievers lose their coats at some point, although it’s most noticeable in the spring and fall when the dog is “blowing coat.” Shedding might be subtle or evident. In some situations, excessive shedding can signify that your dog needs medical attention only if other changes in behavior accompany it.

Read More: Why do golden retrievers shed so much ? (0 to 100 explained)

They change with the seasons.

Depending on the time of year and the temperature, your Golden Retriever’s coat may also change. After specific seasons arrive, their fur will probably be denser and longer, but when winter is over, it will “blow their coat” and become thinner and shorter.

What factors influence the health of a golden retriever coat


There is a chance that different puppies in the same litter will have different coats, but this will be set by their parents. There is a good chance that your Golden Retriever will get the shorter, sparser coat that was typical of Golden Retrievers from the past. Similarly, there is a good chance that your puppy will receive at least one of its thick and long coat traits from one of its parents.

In most cases, your dog will take after both of its parents in many ways, including how they look.

Read More: The Golden Retriever : History, Types and Traits

Diet plays a key role.

The quality of the coat that your dog wears may be influenced by the type of dog food that you feed them. If a dog consumes a well-balanced diet with only high-quality nutrition, the coat on its body will be in better health and have more shine. On the other hand, if your pet has an improper diet, this can cause its coat to become dry, brittle, and lifeless.

Read More: Golden retriever Nutrition Basics – 7 Essential Nutrients

Health is always influential.

A Golden Retriever’s coat can be damaged by several health problems, such as allergies, skin diseases, and hypothyroidism, to name a few. Whenever you see changes in your dog’s coat, you should never wait to take him to the veterinarian because these changes can indicate an underlying health problem.

Read More: 21 Common Dog Diseases (and What To Do)

Hormones can change things up.

The coat of some Goldens is altered due to changes in hormone levels, which causes the coat to change. For example, being pregnant makes all kinds of changes to the body.

There are examples of retrievers having very different coats because their hormones have been tuned up from birth. This condition does not affect all dogs, but it does cause some of them to have thick hair prone to frizzing. for example pregnant goldies shed more during pregnancy

Read More: Best Diet for Pregnant Golden Retrievers (0 to 100 explained)

golden retriever laying in a field in autumn smiling

How to Keep Your Golden Retriever’s Coat in Good Condition

Be mindful of your Golden’s diet.

The quality of your pet’s diet has the most significant impact on his coat’s appearance. Proper nutrition, especially high omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamins, and minerals, is crucial in maintaining your pet’s skin and coat.

DHA and EPA, two omega-3 fatty acids, protect the skin and coat and contribute to their luster. The anti-inflammatory effects of EPA are well-documented. Fish, algal oils, and flaxseed are all excellent places to get your omega-3 fatty acid fix.

One of the most essential nutrients for a healthy coat is linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid that may be found in corn, soy, flaxseed, and other nuts. Deficiencies in linoleic acid are a common cause of dry, flaky skin in dogs. Low amounts of linoleic acid in the skin and food have been linked to dandruff, hair thinning, hair discoloration, increased shedding, and poor healing.

Because of the rapid turnover of skin cells due to continual sloughing, zinc is particularly vital to the skin. Zinc also has the added benefit of decreasing evaporation from the skin. A lack of zinc in a pet’s diet may cause hair loss, skin infections, and a less attractive appearance.

Biotin and the B vitamins are essential cofactors in various cellular metabolic pathways, including the breakdown of fatty acids. Because biotin and B vitamins help the epidermis and dermis utilize linoleic acid, this is crucial for skin health.

Your diet for your golden retriever should give him all the necessary ingredients for stable health, enough energy, and a strong coat foundation.

Read More: The Benefits of Probiotics for golden retrievers

Read More: Benefits of Fiber for Golden Retrievers (0 to 100 explained)

Read More: 7 Nutritional Needs of a Senior Golden Retriever

Consistent Grooming is essential

The number of times you should brush your Golden Retriever to remove loose hair per week will vary depending on the dog’s coat, but the general recommendation is twice per week.

Brushing a long and dense coat will take more time than brushing a short and sparse coat.

If you don’t get rid of your Golden’s loose hair, your dog may get matted fur, which looks like knots in the coat.

Another advantage of brushing your hair consistently is that it helps remove knots and other types of debris, such as burrs and small twigs.

You’ll notice a significant reduction in dog hair in your home and clothing, and your Golden Retriever’s coat will look vibrant and shiny.

During times of heavy shedding, it is essential to brush your dog every day to keep mats from forming.

if you want to do it yourself at home. i suggest you watch this video before and learn how a professional does it!

And now, here are some quick tips to make it easier:

  • You should complement your grooming activity with a satisfying meal.
  • You could give your dog a licky pad to play on in the bathtub or feed him tasty treats at regular intervals to let you brush him.
  • Spend some downtime with your dog.
  • To prevent your dog from becoming unduly anxious or stressed out while you are brushing them, it is essential to take pauses at regular intervals. If they show stress, you should immediately stop brushing them.
  • Keep a regular schedule.
  • When brushing a dog with a thick coat, it is typically better to start in the back, where the undercoat is easier to access and work forward toward the hair’s natural growth pattern. This is because the undercoat is easier to get toward the back.
  • One possibility is to provide a specialized mat in the living room for your dog to use as a seat or a place to lie down while he is being brushed.
  • When you try to care for your Golden Retriever’s coat, it is helpful if they cooperate with you because this will help ensure that they continue to look and feel their best.
  • Brushing your Golden Retriever outside can help decrease the amount of hair that invariably winds up on your furniture and carpet.

Bath times should be practical and fun.

As a first step, choose a location to wash your golden retriever. Your golden retriever may be washed in either your regular tub or a unique pet tub.

There are some factors you should know bathing your golden retriever:

The shampoo is essential

Because canine hair is differs human hair, canine grooming requires canine-specific shampoo. In order to make your golden retriever feel comfortable, you could visit a pet store and ask for a shampoo that is specifically formulated for dogs. It would be best if you got the greatest golden retriever shampoo for your dog. Visit a local pet store and inquire about the finest shampoo for your golden retriever.

Try to make it as soothing as possible.

Your golden retriever needs specific attention, and the environment you provide for it should be soothing. It is essential to take it slow and gently with your golden retriever’s first bath. Don’t be too rough on their skin; being soft will assist. Assure that the water is at an ideal temperature. When bathing your golden retriever, use water that is neither too hot nor too cold.

The quality of the water you use to wash your golden retriever is critical. Remember that your golden retriever has delicate skin and that hot water might harm him. It’s like washing a newborn; extreme caution is required. Ask a vet or a groomer if you are still unsure of the appropriate water temperature.

Gently talk to your golden retriever while you apply dog shampoo to its fur. Avoid getting shampoo in your golden retriever’s ears or eyes. After giving your golden retriever a thorough shampooing, please give them a gentle rinse with some warm water.

Give them treats if they are anxious.

Positive reinforcement is the best way to motivate an animal. Bath time should be a positive experience for your dog, so take baby steps. To encourage positive behavior while you’re washing your pet, reward it with a treat whenever you see anything you like. So that your golden retriever feels at ease while you wash him, it would be helpful to surround him with his favorite toys.

Read More: 19 Ways to Encourage Good Behavior

Combing their fur

You should brush your dog’s fur after deciding where to wash it. The water and shampoo will only be able to remove some of the grime from your golden retriever’s fur if the fur is knotted. Hence, brush its fur thoroughly before giving your golden retriever a wash.

Using a human hair dryer is not recommended.

If you want to dry their hair, you can’t use a human hair drier since it’s too abrasive for their skin. After giving them a quick towel dry, you should let them air dry.

After the bath

Bathing your golden retriever is an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for their good behavior by petting and playing with them afterward. If you give your golden retriever goodies after every wash, they’ll look forward to them. You may pay someone to wash your golden retriever if you don’t have time or don’t know how. Maintaining a healthy coat and skin for your golden retriever is crucial.

Give your golden retriever a bath yourself, and you’ll both look and feel better and be more connected because when you bathe your dog, they are at your complete mercy, and if you do it correctly, they will love it.

check out this amazing woman giving her golden a bath! i just love how it reacts to everything and they made its bath time a fun time!

Professional visits every few times a year are helpful

If your dog loses a huge amount of hair, you should take them to a professional groomer at least once.

In addition to ensuring that your dog always has an attractive appearance and a pleasant odor and cutting down on the amount of time you need to spend grooming your dog, professional grooming provides the following benefits:

  • Groomers use a dryer with pressurized air to eliminate much dead fur from pets. This saves owners from having to deal with hairy tumbleweeds at home.
  • Taking baths with professionally made tools for dogs helps avoid skin irritations and cleans away debris.
  • By professionally detangling coats, groomers prevent them from getting matted, which can prevent unpleasant tugging on the skin.
  • The removal of damaged and dead hair, which allows for new development and a healthy coat, is accomplished by using the appropriate brushes for the specific kind of coat.
  • Brushing your dog thoroughly helps disperse the natural oils it produces and removes any dead skin.
  • The process of grooming enables early diagnosis of lumps, bumps, and skin irritations through the use of handling.
  • They also will trim your dog`s fur to make it as attractive as possible.

Read More: Shaving a Golden Retriever: Good or Bad (0 to 100 Explained)


If you don’t take good care of the coat’s health and pay attention to details in your dog’s body, they could end up with annoying mats or excruciatingly dry, itchy skin. You do not need to be an expert at grooming in order to do so. As a general guideline, you should take a bath at least once every other month. Some Goldens have short, silky coats while others have long, fluffy coats.. In some situations, excessive shedding can be a sign that your dog needs medical attention.

Here are some bits of advice for you considering your golden retriever coat maintenance

  • Each Golden Retriever’s coat is different and needs its proper maintenance.
  • Even if you choose to have a professional groomer take care of your Golden Retriever’s coat, you will still be responsible for maintaining it for years on yourself.
  • You should first Know The variety of coats that a Golden Retriever can have and how to take care of each of them properly.
  • Acquire the know-how necessary to maintain the pristine condition of your Golden Retriever’s coat in all stages of its life and all year round.
  • It is necessary to brush the coat of a Golden Retriever anywhere from twice per week up to seven times per week, depending on the natural shedding pattern of the dog and the thickness of the coat.
  • The greasiness of your dog’s coat is intentional because they were bred for hunting. so don’t be alarmed if you find out.
  • A Golden Retriever’s coat can be damaged by a number of health problems, such as allergies, skin diseases, and hypothyroidism, to name a few.
  • It would be best if you got the greatest golden retriever shampoo for your dog.
  • If you want to dry their hair, you can’t use a human hair drier since it’s too abrasive for their skin.
  • Depending on the time of year and the temperature, your Golden Retriever’s coat may also change.

at the end we have to say that keeping and maintaining a golden retriever is hard work but their value and love far outwweighs everything that we as owners have to do and put up with. so we invite you to see this video about a cute golden retriever growing up and the love it gives and recieves!

Read More: 35 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers are Great!

Read More: Golden retrievers are hypoallergenic! True or false – all the info you need

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