Why Do Golden Retriever bite You?

Reading Time: 7 mins
golden retriever bites furniture

golden retrievers bite mostly because they want to interact with you or when they are afraid or in distress. biting and barking is their tools to communicate with you. positive reinforcement and proper training from a young age is key to stoping biting behavior. for an adult dog you must enforce rules and be consistent until they learn.

Before we discuss why and when a golden retriever bites, it is best to get to know this breed and get the basic information.

 A little about the Golden Retriever

The golden retriever is a breed of sports dog whose moral characteristics include charm, kindness, intelligence, and talent. Goldens are brilliant and obedient, which makes them suitable for training in any situation.

Golden retrievers are very kind and calm, which is why they are one of the most suitable breeds to be trained. They can also be given the necessary training on how to survive and find drugs.

Read More: The Golden Retriever : History, Types and Traits

Proper feeding, sufficient walking, and direct communication with the owner are among the essential points that should be considered when keeping golden retrievers.

Yes, golden retriever bites, but why and when?

You should know that golden retrievers were originally hunting dogs, and they have soft mouths but semi-sharp teeth.

According to a study on dog bites in the United States, dogs bite 4.5 million people yearly. One in five people who are bitten requires medical attention. In addition to needing a medical examination, some people, like children, can be emotionally scared and grow up with a dog phobia, which is unhealthy to have from a young age.

Environment problems

One of the most social breeds identified so far is the golden retriever. The golden dog is very kind and behaves very well with humans.

But sometimes, some dogs suffer from abnormalities due to not living in the right conditions or other related reasons, which can be a little dangerous and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Read More: 20 Tips for Properly Socializing a Golden Retriever Puppy + FAQs

Too much alone time

The Golden Retriever, like most breeds, does not like to be alone for a long time, which is stressful for the animal.

As a result, if your lifestyle is such that you are not at home for many hours of the day, we recommend that you refrain from buying/adopting this dog.

Improper training

It would be best not to reward Golden Retriever bites as a way to distract and resolve the situation because this can become a habit especially if they are growing puppies.

For example, if you want to take the dog to the vet for a monthly checkup and he refuses to accompany you and then bites you if you force him, you should always keep pursuing this decision and find bite-free ways to get to the goal.

Because your surrender is considered a kind of reward for dogs, they will learn that disobeying will get them out of any sham.

In this situation, it is recommended to ignore the dog for a short time, and when he stops being stubborn, put the collar around his neck and take him with you.

Is biting in Golden Retrievers considered normal behavior?

Golden Retriever bites because they like to touch and experience everything with their teeth.

They are not humans and cannot socialize with their words like us, so they use the tools at their disposal to interact with their surroundings, like their mouths and teeth. harmless Biting is natural for them, but it may become a bad habit if not adequately trained.

two golden retriever puppies biting a piece of cloth

copyright Wikimedia commons

Golden Retriever bites may seem salty initially, but when the dog grows up and reaches 4–6 months, these bites become painful.

But a dog used to biting you, according to his childhood experience, does not understand how much pain you feel from these bites, which is why they continue to do so.

Dog training is the best way to break this habit in Golden Retrievers, which requires little time and patience. You can correct this behavior over time by encouraging the dog and using different words and commands.

How to stop Golden Retriever bites while playing?

1- The earlier you stop this habit, the faster you will get long-term results.

2- When you are bitten while playing with the dog, you must let them know that his bite causes you pain. So, make a loud, exaggerated sound, wave your hand, show the puppy that you are in pain, and immediately stop playing.

3- Avoid letting them bite you as much as possible, and use a dog toy instead of your hand, especially when it comes to their teeth.

4- When you play, if you notice that your training is working and the puppy puts his teeth on your hand but does not bite, immediately use the dog’s encouragement and continue playing with him more excitedly.

5- dogs learn on different levels so make sure that you take your time and have patience with them. Repetition and reward for positive behavior are your best bet to stop these golden retriever bites!

How to stop golden retriever puppies from biting

When Golden Retrievers are babies, they spend much time playing, chewing, and curious about things. The Golden Retriever baby uses its mouth and teeth in all these natural activities; that’s why the golden retriever bites when he plays with people. There are ways that you can use to reduce your golden retriever puppy bites:

young golden retriever puppy biting finger

copyright Flickr Juan Tello

Start an exercise routine

The puppy may still bite because he has excess energy and is bored with his toys. Send them outside to play if you have a backyard.

Pay attention to good behavior.

When a puppy rests quietly, we often neglect to reward it with a pat, a treat, or even a “good dog” phrase. Giving praise helps them understand what it is you want from them.

Never use physical punishments.

There’s no excuse for abusing your dog in any way. If your golden retriever bites out of aggression, consult your vet or a dog trainer.

To keep your puppy occupied, offer him a toy.

If your puppy ever bites your hand or furniture, you will be glad you kept a supply of puppy chew toys. This shows dogs what is safe for them to chew on. Don’t mess with them if they’re dangerous. Say “sit” and give your puppy a treat.

Discipline them

If your puppy is overexcited and snapping at people, putting it in its crate will help. Keep your cool so they don’t associate the crate with punishment. Please wait until the dog is quiet before releasing it outside.

Take breaks!

It’s possible that a teething puppy needs some quiet time in a crate. They might need to use the restroom, get something to eat or drink, or feel thirsty.

Read More: 19 Ways to Encourage Good Behavior in Your Puppy

Fear-induced Golden Retriever bites

The biggest fear that leads to biting is usually encountering strangers in an uncomfortable situation.

for example, if the dog was beaten regularly then it will fear everyone and if somebody suddenly ran to them. they might bite out of fear.

But you should know that these situations are extremely rare and 99.99 percent of golden retriever bites are out of love or play and are mostly harmless.

You must devote time to removing a Golden Retriever’s fear of unfamiliar situations or people. The best way is to turn that strange and unfamiliar experience for the dog into an exciting or delicious one.

For example, take him to the pet clinic visit. After the examination, when he comes down from the examination table, please give him a treat or ask the veterinarian to put his favorite treat on the floor.

If you repeat this several times, a happy memory of the clinic and meeting with the veterinarian will remain in the dog’s mind, and its fear will decrease.

Never suddenly approach a strange Golden Retriever; teach children not to do this. It is best to always assess the situation before you approach a medium size or large dog.

Read More: 50 Things That Scare Most dogs! (and solutions)


According to a study, dogs bite 4.5 million people in the United States annually. Goldens are intelligent and obedient, making them ideal for training in any situation. Golden retriever bites because they enjoy using their teeth to explore everything. Biting is natural in puppies but can develop into a bad habit if not properly trained.

Golden Retriever bites may appear salty at first, but as the dog matures and reaches 4-6 months, the bites become painful. When Golden Retriever puppies are young, they spend much time playing, chewing and exploring their surroundings. All of these natural activities involve the Golden Retriever baby’s mouth and teeth, which is why he bites when he plays with people.

Some key takeaways about golden retriever biting:

  • They, like most breeds, dislike being alone for long periods because it is stressful for them.
  • It is best not to reward your Golden Retriever for making a mistake.
  • Golden retrievers bite because they lie their teeth to touch and feel everything.
  • Dog training is the most effective method for breaking this habit in Golden Retrievers, requiring little time and patience.
  • Over time, you can correct this behavior by encouraging the dog and using different words and commands.
  • When you are bitten while playing with the dog, you must tell them that his bite causes you pain. So, make a loud, exaggerated noise, wave your hand, show you are in pain and stop playing immediately.
  • Avoid enabling them to bite you as much as possible, and instead of your hand, use a dog toy.
  • A teething puppy may benefit from some peace and quiet in its crate.
  • It takes time to overcome a Golden Retriever’s fear of new situations or people.
  • The best way is to replace the dog’s strange and unfamiliar experience with exciting and delicious.
  • Have patience if a golden retriever bites you or furniture. They do it out of love or excitement. It is your job to properly teach them when biting is ok and when biting is not ok. Repetition and positive reinforcement are your best bet.

Read More: Having a Golden Retriever as a Pet: Pros & Cons

Read More: Does Your Golden Retriever Jump on People? Ultimate Guide to prevent it!

Read More: Is your golden retriever barking a lot? Find out why and how to prevent it.

Read More: Do you have a disobedient Golden Retriever? Causes and Solutions

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