Why Do Golden Retrievers Eat Poop?

Reading Time: 5 mins

Poop eating! Yuckkkkk, I know, right? We know that you have recently seen this behavior from your puppy or adult dog, and you are concerned! You think something is wrong with my dog, or they are crazy, and how can I stop this disgusting behavior?

You might be asking why is my dog suddenly eating poop? If you’re a dog owner asking this question, you must know that you’re not alone. Eating poop, also known as coprophagia, is normal for dogs. Dogs may eat pup droppings to protect them from predators. This behavior is instinctive, and if you follow along with this article, you will be able to know why and how to prevent it.

You have to know that dogs are a lot more sensitive to smell and don’t know that poop smells bad or disgusting. Many animals use feces for different purposes. Only a few animals and we humans find poop disgusting.

Dogs and puppies may eat poop because of these reasons:

  • They are bored, and poop is just sitting there
  • Indigestion problems or malnutrition
  • they have seen other dogs do it and learned it
  • they find poop interesting in shape or smell
  • they are familiar with it because they produce it also
  • stress or anxiety
  • hunger or the need to nibble on something
  • need for attention
  • or punishment for their owners behavior(seen only in smart adult dogs that know this behavior makes the owner mad)

In some cases, underlying health problems can cause dogs to eat poop. If you see your adult dog suddenly eating poop that he hasn’t done before, take him to the vet as soon as possible to rule out any illness. Fortunately, there are ways to keep puppies and adult dogs from eating poop.

Now, we will talk more about a Golden retriever eating poop in this article.

Why is a Golden retriever eating poop?

Eating feces, also known as coprophagia, is normal behavior for many animals and is seen in about 25% of dogs. There are many reasons dogs eat poop, and it’s maybe because they like the taste and texture of poop. Just imagine it from their perspective, and you will see that with their limited IQ compared to humans, poop is not that bad or disgusting. Dogs smell each other`s butts to collect information. So maybe poop is just an external hard drive packed with data about the producer.

The mere thought of poop may make us humans feel disgusted, but for dogs, it is full of exciting information, such as who produced the poop and what they ate. Dogs can delight not only with a delicious junk meal but also poop. Reason:

  • It’s a habit they learned from their mother when they were a puppy
  • they get some nutritional value from undigested food
  • they are hungry and looking for something to eat
  • they are bored or stressed
  • it is a possibility that they might to be ill

Read More: 19 Ways to Encourage Good Behavior in Your Puppy

Some dogs like eating poop

One conceivable reason dogs eat poop is simply because they like it. Your dog’s sense of smell and taste is significantly different from ours and may be able to detect undigested fats, proteins, and other delicious-smelling substances.

We often explore things with our hands, but dogs use their mouths and noses to make sense of the world by licking or sniffing, carrying objects between their teeth, and playing with toys and balls. Eating poop is another way for your dog to find out what he is interested in.

golden retriever licking his muzzle close up

Is It Harmful to a Dog to Eat Poop?

If a dog eats its feces, it usually poses little danger to the animal. However, parasites and bacteria from this feces can be transferred to human beings and other animals through contact with a dog’s saliva. If you find your dog eating poop or vomiting after eating poop, you should wash your hands thoroughly whenever you come into contact with your pet’s saliva.

When a dog eats another animal’s feces, such as another dog or cat, there is a risk of ingesting eggs of harmful bacteria and intestinal parasites that can lead to illness. If you realize your golden retriever is eating poop, please immediately contact your veterinarian for a fecal analysis.

Read More: 15 Signs That Its Time To Visit The Vet Immediately

How to Stop a Golden retriever from eating poop

To stop the behavior, you must immediately address the cause. Otherwise, as we all know, small acts repeated make habits, and repeated habits make traits that are not easily broken or changed. If your puppy does not learn that eating poop is bad, it’s likely that he will do it in adulthood.

First, be aware that reacting roughly or scolding your dog for eating poop will cause more problems later. Instead, follow these points:

  • Make sure your yard is free of animal waste: A critical step in keeping your dog from eating poop is to keep your yard and house clear of any kind of litter and waste at all times.
  • Teach your dog to pay attention to you immediately after bowel movements: Keep your dog on a leash when you defecate, and then keep his attention on you, not on the poop. Try teaching the “look” command, giving your dog treats, and disposing of the poop immediately. Proper training is necessary for your dog to reach optimum health in adulthood.
  • you can also use ingredients in their diets that are fine to eat but after digestion, make their poop taste or smell bad to them so they wont be motivated to eat it.
  • always make sure your dog`s belly is full before you take him outside. if they are not hungry they might possibly loose interest in poop over a period of time.
  • If nothing is working and you have been at it for some time, it is best to consult a trainer.

Possible medical causes of Golden Retriever Eating Poop

Eating feces is widely thought to be a sign of malnutrition, although, in most situations, this is probably not true because eating feces is an expected behavior in dogs. While many dogs can only eat a portion of the feces, various medical problems can increase the likelihood of poop eating in a dog, such as:

  1. Some drugs, such as steroids
  2. Severe medical conditions that increase appetites, such as diabetes, thyroid problems, and parasites
  3. indigestion of foods eaten before
  4. dementia or other brain disorders
  5. A disease that changes the smell and texture of poop, making poop more appealing

See their veterinarian if your dog suddenly starts eating feces or is eating them regularly, especially if your dog has recently shown signs of other illnesses.


Always consult your veterinarian if your dog regularly eats poop or if you are concerned about your dog’s health or behavior, especially if this is a new problem.

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