How To Teach A Golden Retriever Recall At Home!

Reading Time: 6 mins
cream colored golden retriever running in beach

Teaching your golden retriever the “come” command could save its life, making it one of the most crucial lessons you can give. Dogs can be easily sidetracked, and their inquisitive nature may lead them into dangerous situations like the path of moving traffic.

You want your dog to listen to you more than anything else when they’re barreling blindly toward danger. In these situations, the word “come” can save their life.

Teaching your Golden to come could save its life.

This may seem like a simple command, but many things could distract your dog while you’re teaching him the command. The time and energy spent on training your golden retriever to come when called is well worth it because you can prevent them from ingesting something toxic, running into traffic, someone stealing them, or becoming a victim of a wild predator.

Golden retrievers are one of the world’s most famous and loyal dogs. Contrary to common belief, this breed is brilliant. Golden retrievers learn almost everything very well. This breed’s intelligence and friendliness have been used in in-service activities. Having such a dog in any home will be very useful. Labrador Retrievers are the same breed as Goldens and have similar characteristics.

How to teach a golden retriever to come when called?

Start training your dog inside, where they are most calm and not excited or worried. Maybe your golden retriever is just sleeping on their bed across the room. Look your dog in the eyes and say “come” in a clear, happy voice. You can call your dog’s name, but always say “come” after it. It is helpful to pat your legs or clap your hands. Say the command repeatedly until your dog gets all the way to you. Give your dog a tasty treat as soon as they get to you.

Do this again from farther away. Try going somewhere else. If that doesn’t work, try practicing in the same room a few more times before trying another room. The key is to repeat.

Think about what gets your dog’s attention. Try adding a low-level distraction to the environment, like their favorite chew toy, and practicing the “come” command. When they come all the way to you, make sure to reward them.

When you think your dog knows the “come” command inside, it’s time to take him outside. You can start in your backyard and then move to a park, practicing from farther away and with more things to look at.

The most important things to consider when teaching the “come” command

You should know that you are the owner and it’s your dog, not the other way around. Establish dominance for your dog to learn to obey your commands. If your dog feels that it’s the alpha in your relationship, it will misbehave or occasionally disobey your commands. Below are some tips for you to teach your golden retriever to come when called:

Never repeat at the same time

Don’t say the same thing twice. The environment may be too distracting if you repeat your recall cue. Alternatively, your dog may need to comprehend the skill sufficiently for the level at which you are attempting to train them.

Eye contact

Encourage eye contact. When you notice your dog is looking at you or has chosen to be close to you, praise them verbally and give them a treat. You may use many treats initially, but you are teaching your dog an important lesson. Being close to you and paying attention to you causes positive outcomes.

Give them delicious treats.

Reward! When teaching your golden retriever to come when called, use high-value treats and toys. This is especially true when your dog is learning something new. Always reward recall because you want them to associate coming with receiving something fantastic.

Practice daily

Every day, practice recalls. Gradually increase the level of difficulty and distraction. Moving too quickly may confuse your dog.

Never chase after them.

Do not chase your dog if you need to recall him in an emergency. This will likely cause them to continue the “game” by moving away from you. Instead, try fleeing from your dog to make them chase after you.

Never punish physically

Your dog shouldn’t be punished for coming to you. Even if you’re annoyed because your dog took their time coming, always praise a recall.

happy golden retriever with collor on the beach panting and smiling

Your relationship with your dog plays a key role.

The more the emotional relationship between the dog and its owner, the more your dog will pay attention to you when you call.

Some people consider retrievers to be smart but stubborn.  in general, most people find dogs more brilliant that react faster than others to the environment and its movements. They are even more trained and can be easily trained by encouraging and motivating them.

Retriever dogs learn more commands than their other counterparts. These dogs understand the difference between commands.

The speed of learning in dogs is not just because of their brain power; it is rooted in the high motivation given to them by their owners.

This means that the dog owner, because of his strong emotional feeling for the dog, feels that the dog can pick up the phone to solve problems and understand his feelings.

pay attention and care for your golden retriever

Golden retrievers are more aware of the environment and their interaction with humans and are motivated to receive different tasks to obey and complete. The best way to train an intelligent dog is through proper owner/dog communication.

If you want to train an alert dog, it is better to interact more with him, do regular and different exercises, and play exciting games together. Remember that training a golden retriever requires a lot of care and attention.

All dogs need attention and care, but intelligent breeds require more attention, exercise, and training. These cares make intelligent dogs always mentally and physically ready. Smart dogs are like bright and elite students who quickly get bored if they are not treated properly, especially at school. Most smart dogs enjoy a specific type of exercise or play. If you want to keep a golden retriever, keep it active and not let it get boring.

cream colored golden retriever sitting in beach with guy in red coat


Teaching your golden retriever the “come” command could save its life, making it one of the most crucial lessons you can give. This breed’s intelligence and friendliness have been used in in-service activities. Labrador Retrievers are the same breed as Goldens and have similar characteristics. If you want to train an alert dog, it is better to interact more with him, do regular and different exercises, and play exciting games together. Golden retrievers are more aware of the environment and their interaction with humans.

Smart dogs are like bright students who quickly get bored if not treated. If you want to train your golden retriever to come when called, Establish dominance for your dog to learn and obey your commands. If your dog feels that it’s the alpha in your relationship, it will misbehave or occasionally disobey your commands.

Some key takeaways about call command and golden retrievers

  • Coming when you call them could save your Golden’s life.
  • Many things can distract your dog while you are teaching this command.
  • Training, your golden retriever to come when called is worth it because you can prevent them from ingesting something toxic, running into traffic, being stolen, or being attacked by a wild predator.
  • This breed is brilliant, despite popular belief. Golden retrievers learn quickly. Retrievers are more command-savvy. These dogs know commands.
  • More emotional bond between dog and owner, more attention when you call. Owner/dog communication is key to training an intelligent dog.
  • Intelligent breeds need more attention, exercise, and training.
  • Keep a golden retriever active and avoid boredom.
  • Start training your dog inside, where it’s calm and not excited or worried.
  • After calling your dog’s name, say, “come.”
  • Say the command until the dog reaches you.
  • Give your dog a treat when they arrive.
  • To succeed, repeat.
  • Practice the “come” command while adding a low-level distraction, like a chew toy.
  • If your dog knows “come” inside, take him outside.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Teach your dog to recall with high-value treats and toys. This is especially true for a puppy.
  • Do not chase your dog in an emergency. Try fleeing to make your dog chase you.
  • A dog shouldn’t be punished for coming to you. Even if your dog is slow, praise a recall.

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