Do Golden Retrievers Get Car Sick & Vomit?

Reading Time: 4 mins
golden retriever sleeping in a car

Golden retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They have a kind and gentle disposition, which makes them great companions for all sorts of people. Unfortunately, they can also suffer from car sickness, just like humans do. Car sickness occurs when a person or pet is traveling in a car and their inner ear doesn’t agree with the motion of the vehicle. The symptoms can range from mild nausea to vomiting, and golden retrievers are prone to getting car sick just like any other breed. To help prevent this from happening, make sure that your dog has plenty of fresh air while traveling in the car, avoid feeding them right before a car ride, and take regular breaks to let them get out and stretch their legs. If your golden retriever does become car sick, don’t worry, it’s a common problem that can be easily managed with the right precautions!

What is car sickness and what are the symptoms

Car sickness is a form of motion sickness that occurs when the inner ear doesn’t agree with the motion of the vehicle and causes nausea, dizziness, vomiting, or fatigue. It can affect humans and golden retrievers alike.

What causes dogs to be car sick?

There are a variety of factors that could contribute to dogs becoming car sick, such as their size and age, their overall health, whether they have an existing inner ear disorder or even anxiety about being in the car.

How can you prevent golden retrievers from getting car sick?

To help golden retrievers stay safe on car trips, make sure they have plenty of fresh air circulating in the car, avoid feeding them right before a car ride, and take regular breaks so they can move around and stretch their legs after long periods of car rides. Additionally, calming aids such as lavender oil can help golden retrievers stay calm and comfortable during car trips.

golden retriever smiling in car window

What to do if your golden retriever does become car sick?

If your golden retriever does become car sick, remain calm and contact your veterinarian for advice. Over-the-counter medications can be used to ease symptoms, but it’s important to consult with your veterinarian before administering any medication to ensure they are safe and appropriate for golden retrievers. Additionally, provide plenty of fresh water after vomiting so that they don’t get dehydrated. Ultimately, taking the right precautions will help prevent dogs from becoming car sick in the first place!

What to do if your dog vomits in the car

If your golden retriever does vomit in the car, it’s important to clean up immediately. Make sure that you have a container, some paper towels and cleaning solution on hand so that you can quickly and easily clean up any messes. Additionally, open the windows or turn on the air conditioning to help keep the car smelling fresh. Finally, make sure that your golden retriever is comfortable by providing plenty of breaks and letting them out to stretch their legs during car rides. With these simple precautions, you can help ensure that golden retrievers stay safe and healthy while traveling!

Tips for preventing car sickness in golden retrievers

1. Make sure dogs have plenty of fresh air circulating in the car

2. Avoid feeding golden retrievers right before a car ride

3. Take regular breaks for dogs to move around and stretch their legs

4. Consider calming aids such as lavender oil  to help keep golden retrievers calm and comfortable during car rides

5. Contact your veterinarian if your dog becomes car sick, and provide them with plenty of water after vomiting

6. Secure golden retrievers properly with a seatbelt or harness, and make sure their whole bodies are not hanging out of the window

7. Never leave golden retrieves unattended in parked cars due to overheating risk

8. Keep emergency contact information on hand in case of unexpected emergencies

9. Have a first aid kit ready for any accidents that may happen while traveling

10. Follow all safety measures recommended by your veterinarian when taking golden retriever on car trips

golden retrievers in back of a truck smiling

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What are other tips for car safety with golden retrievers?

Along with preventing car sickness, there are several other things you should do to keep golden retrievers safe while traveling in the car. Make sure they are properly secured with a seatbelt or harness and that their head and feet are not hanging out of the window. Additionally, you should never leave dogs unattended in parked cars, as they can quickly overheat in warm weather. Finally, make sure to keep emergency contact information on hand and always have a first aid kit ready for any unexpected emergencies. Following these simple tips will help ensure golden retrievers stay safe and comfortable while traveling!


Car sickness is an annoying reality for many dog owners – but it doesn’t have to be that way! With the right precautions and safety measures, golden retriever owners can feel confident taking their dogs on car trips. Following these tips and always consulting with your veterinarian can help dogs stay safe, comfortable, and car-sickness free!

We talked a lot about car sickness but i should mention that dogs love car rides specially with the windows down so they can observe and smell everything. check out this video of a golden retriever living his best life while being driven around.

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