Do Dogs Catch Colds? Explained!

Reading Time: 4 mins
dog in purple blanket

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We love our furry friends, and as pet owners, it’s important to know if they can catch the same illnesses we do. With cold and flu season upon us, many people are wondering: Can dogs catch a cold? The answer is no – but that doesn’t mean your canine companion won’t get sick. Read on to learn more about what illnesses dogs are susceptible to, how you can prevent them, and what symptoms you should be aware of.

Do dogs get colds?

Dogs cannot catch the human cold virus, so the answer is no!

While it may look similar to a common cold, dogs can also suffer from other respiratory infections. The most common of these is called Bordetella Bronchiseptica or Kennel Cough. Symptoms of this infection include sneezing, congestion, watery eyes, runny nose, and an irritating cough. This type of infection is usually spread through direct contact with another dog that has been infected. If your dog often interacts with other animals or will be visiting a kennel soon, make sure they’ve been vaccinated for Kennel Cough. Some breeds like pugs, chihuahuas, and bulldogs, which have smooshed faces and are more prone to breathing difficulties, can be particularly susceptible to Kennel Cough. Older dogs, as well as those with weakened immune systems or pre-existing respiratory conditions, are also more likely to suffer from this infection.

What cold-like illnesses should you be aware of?

Canine distemper is a life-threatening respiratory disease but is rarely seen any more thanks to responsible pet owners getting their dogs vaccinated. Dogs can also suffer from hay fever-like allergies brought on by the change of season or environment.

If there’s ever cause for concern regarding your pup’s cold or flu symptoms, contact your vet right away. For general advice on caring for your dog, pop into your local Pets at Home store to talk to one of our friendly pet care advisors.

here are the list of symptoms you should watch out for:

  • Sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Watery Eyes
  • Runny Nose
  • Irritating Cough
  • High Fever
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Loss of Appetite / Vomiting
  • Lethargy and Weakness

dog in blue blanket

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How to treat a dog cold-like disease?

If your pup is suffering from a cold-like illness, the best course of action is to contact your vet. They will be able to diagnose and treat your dog appropriately, as well as advise on any preventative measures you can take in the future.

Regular exercise, healthy food, and plenty of love are all key ingredients for a happy canine companion. Make sure your dog is up to date with their vaccinations, and it should stay healthy through cold and flu season!

Keeping your pup healthy and happy is our priority. With the right preventative measures, you can be sure your furry friend won’t suffer from colds and other illnesses. If you ever have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact your vet.

Can dogs get the flu virus?

No, dogs cannot get the human flu virus. However, they can get canine influenza, or “dog flu”, which is caused by a different type of virus. Symptoms are similar to those of a cold, including sneezing, coughing, and runny nose. Most cases of dog flu will resolve on their own but if your pup has a high fever and is showing signs of distress, contact your vet. Vaccinations are available for both types of influenza in certain areas, so it’s always best to speak to your vet about the best way to keep your pup healthy.

Can dogs catch human diseases?

Dogs can catch some, but not all, human diseases. These include rabies, ringworm, and salmonella. Since dogs and humans have different immune systems, it’s important to remember that a human cold virus cannot be passed on to your pup.

Labrador in blanket smiling

How can you prevent dog colds?

The best way to keep your pup healthy is to make sure their vaccinations are up-to-date and give them a healthy and nutritious diet. Make sure they get 12-14 hours of sleep every day, change their water and wash their things daily, and keep them warm during walkies with a dog coat. If you have recently interacted with an infected dog, be sure to wash your hands and change your outfit so as not to pass it on to your own pup.


dogs don’t catch a human cold! but Overall, it is important to take the necessary steps to prevent your pup from catching a cold or flu-like illness. Vaccinations are an effective way of protecting them against certain illnesses and regular exercise, healthy food, and plenty of love can all contribute to keeping your dog happy and healthy. If you ever have any questions or concerns about your pet’s health, don’t hesitate to contact your vet for advice. With these tips in mind, you can rest assured that your furry friend will stay safe throughout cold and flu season!

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