Can People with Allergies Keep Flat Coated Retrievers as pets?

Reading Time: 4 mins

Flat Coated Retrievers are not a good choice for people with severe allergies because they are not hypoallergenic, they shed moderately and produce a fair amount of dander.  But if extra precautions are taken, they can be great pets for people with mild allergies.

Are you considering a Flat Coated Retriever as your pet but concerned about allergies?

Many people are allergic to pets, and it’s important to know what breeds are best for those with allergies.

While all dogs may cause some allergy symptoms, some may be better suited for an individual with allergies than others.

In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of Flat Coated Retrievers and whether or not they can be kept as pets by those who suffer from pet allergies.

Read More: 20 Reasons to Adopt a Flat Coated Retriever

Are Flat Coated Retrievers Hypoallergenic?

No. Flat Coated Retrievers are not hypoallergenic!

which means that they do shed moderately and are likely to cause allergy symptoms in those who suffer from pet allergies.

However, some people with mild allergies may be able to tolerate a Flat Coated Retriever without any issues.

What Causes Allergies? Dander or Fur?

Allergic reactions are caused by allergens, which can be found in:

  1. saliva: the allergenic protein is present in dog saliva
  2. urine: allergenic proteins are also present in urine
  3. skin and fur: the dander, or microscopic flakes of skin, that can be released from a dog’s fur and coat
  4. Paws: allergens can be found in a dog’s paw pads as well.

When these allergens come into contact with a person’s skin, eyes, or lungs, an allergic reaction can occur.

for example, Your immune system will react to the proteins in a dog’s saliva the same way it would to a virus or bacteria on your skin if the dog licked you.

Dander is a substance found on the skin of all animals, including humans; it contains proteins that some people are sensitive to.

How Much Do Flat Coated Retrievers Shed?

in the shedding spectrum they fall in the middle! They shed moderately, so they do need regular brushing and grooming to keep their coats in tip-top shape.

Read More: 12 Tips For Grooming a Flat Coated Retriever

Are Flat Coated Retrievers Good for Those with Allergies?

While Flat Coated Retrievers may not be the best choice for someone with severe allergies, they can still make a great pet for those with milder allergies.

If the individual is willing to take extra precautions such as brushing the dog regularly and vacuuming frequently, then there’s no reason why they can’t have a Flat Coated Retriever as their companion.

many people find that bathing the dog once or twice a month helps keep the allergic reactions at bay.

Tips For Keeping A Flat Coated Retriever if You have Allergies

1. Reduce Indoor Allergens

Vacuum and dust regularly, use air filters, and launder bedding often to reduce the amount of pet dander in your home.

2. Brush Your Dog Regularly

Brushing your dog’s coat regularly will help keep allergens at bay by removing loose fur, dirt, and other debris that can trigger allergies.

3. Wash Your Dog Frequently

Washing your Flat Coated Retriever a few times per month with hypoallergenic shampoo can help reduce allergen levels in your home as well as keep their coat clean and healthy.

4. Keep Rooms Clean & Separate

Set up different areas for sleeping and playing to minimize how much pet dander is spread around the house from one room to another.

5. Visit The Vet

A yearly veterinary checkup is important for any pet but especially for those with allergies so that potential problems can be detected early on before they become more serious or chronic issues over time, leading to an exacerbation of allergy symptoms in humans living in the same environment as the animal(s).

How can I stop being allergic to dog dander?

Animal allergens are often hard or even impossible to stay away from completely.

Even if you don’t have a pet, you may run into allergens from other people’s pets if they are on their clothes.

As well as staying away from pet allergens, you may need to take medicine to control your symptoms in the short term or look for a long-term solution like Immunotherapy.


Antihistamines stop the immune system from making a chemical that causes allergy symptoms like itching, sneezing, and a runny nose.

They also help relieve symptoms like itching, sneezing, and a runny nose.


Your immune system can be “trained” to not react to an allergen.

A series of allergy shots are used to give immunotherapy.

You get a shot once or twice a week that contains very small amounts of the allergen, which in this case is the animal protein that makes you allergic.

Can pet dander allergies really go away?

Outgrowing allergies to animals is possible but not probable.

Also, even those allergies can go away; they can come back again later in life.

Therefore, it is important to keep up with the medications and treatments.


All in all, Flat Coated Retrievers are not hypoallergenic and people with severe allergies should not keep this breed as a pet.

but they can make great pets for those with mild allergies as long as extra precautions are taken.

Regular brushing and bathing will help to reduce allergens while vacuuming and dusting regularly should also be done to minimize the amount of pet dander present in your home.

Additionally, keeping different areas designated for sleeping and playing can help keep pet dander from spreading throughout the house.

Finally, regular checkups at the vet are important so that any potential problems or exacerbations of allergy symptoms can be detected early on before they become more serious issues over time.

Read More: How To Prepare For Your First Flat Coated Retriever Puppy

Read More: Best Diet Mix For Flat Coated Retrievers

Read More: How to Train a Flat Coated Retriever? Step By Step Guide

Read More: 21 Health Care Tips for Your Flat Coated Retriever

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