Are golden retrievers Omnivores or Carnivores?

Reading Time: 5 mins
golden retriever eating watermellon slice and loves it

The answer is omnivores.

Golden retrievers eat both vegetables and meat, which in these modern times is primarily available in concentrated, high-quality dog food.

Proper feeding, sufficient walking, and direct communication with the owner are among the essential points to keep golden retrievers.

The golden retriever dog can become obese very quickly if you are not careful.

Golden retrievers are classified as large dogs and live up to 12 years. The nutrition and diet of this breed largely depend on their size and age. This breed reaches adulthood and maturity at 12 months, and from then on, they must have the diet of adult dogs. Like other breeds of large dogs, this breed needs a lot of meat protein.

Best ingredient mixes for a golden retriever food diet:


The best diet should contain at least 30%  protein. These dogs are giant, active, and energetic, and the amount of protein less than this is not recommended.


The ideal amount of fat in the diet of this breed is about 12-18%. You may think that fat is bad for dogs, but it is not, and in fact, omega-3 and omega-6 atty acids reduce hair loss and make your dog’s hair look healthy and shiny.


The carbohydrate amount should be determined according to the dog’s age and activity. Generally, a suitable diet for an adult retriever should contain at least 35-35% carbohydrates. Of course, the more active and energetic your dog is, the more carbohydrates he will need.

Also, a variety of dry foods help the health of Golden dog’s teeth and gums. A suitable dry food should contain 25-30% protein, but there should be other food you feed your dog. In fact, according to the 80-20 rule, 80% of the daily calories a dog needs can be provided by dry dog food, but for the remaining 20%, you can use canned dog food.

Vitamin mix

Your golden retriever needs vitamins C, B-complex, A, D, E, and K.

Vitamins C and B-complex

Vitamins build a dog’s bones, teeth, and connective tissues. So regular replenishment is needed. While dogs need to eat vitamin B, their bodies produce vitamin C. Be careful that excessive use of vitamin C in your dog’s diet can cause serious health problems because their bodies are making it naturally, which may affect the balance. So don’t give them unless your vet prescribes them.

Vitamins A, D, E, K

Fortunately, fat contains vitamins. Your dog’s intestine absorbs and stores them. Too much of any of these vitamins can cause bone abnormalities. So please don’t give your dog vitamin supplements unless your vet recommends them.

Whatever you feed your golden retriever, ensure it gets the right balance of vitamins. Check the ingredients and expiration date if you are buying dry dog food.

Consider the cost before you commit.

The cost of keeping a Golden Retriever is something you should consider when estimating the cost of owning a dog.

Rather than feeding your Golden Retriever freely, it’s best to provide your Golden Retriever with timed meals. Goldens loves to eat and can gain weight very quickly. In addition to scheduled meals, you should also determine the amount of pellets and treats for your dog daily so that he is not tempted to overeat.

golden retriever puppy going away from empty bowl in blur background

What kind of dry foods should I buy for my golden retriever?

If you need help finding healthy golden retriever dog food, take the time and research a reputable center or site to find the right food for your dog. Avoid uncertified food with unsafe additives to ensure you are buying healthy food.

Note that if your golden retriever is obese, it is not because of carnivores or omnivores; you should pay more attention to his food. Perhaps the cause is hypothyroidism, associated with epilepsy, obesity, lethargy, and hair loss. Hypothyroidism can be treated with the help of the veterinarian’s prescribed medicines and healthy nutrition.

Some researchers consider dry food for this breed. They believe the recommended amount of food you should feed your golden retriever daily is two to three scoops of good-quality dry dog food. It is better to give this amount of food to the dog in two separate meals, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is better to keep the dog healthy with well-timed high-quality meals; instead of feeding him freely, consider a specific time for feeding him.

bowl of dry food for golden retrievers

copyright Marco Verch Professional

Quality of the food matters significantly on how your golden develops

dog’s food needs depend on age, height, weight, and fitness level. A highly active dog will need more food than a dog that is not very active.

Food quality can significantly affect how much you have to feed your dog. The higher the food quality, the less food you need to provide enough nutrients. On the other hand, the lower the rate of the pellets, the more volume of food you have to feed him to give him the necessary nutrients, while this also adds a lot more calories to his body.

If you are unsure if your golden retriever is overweight, you can take a simple test to give him a reasonable assessment. First, look straight down at your dog. You should be able to see his waist. Then place your hands along his back and your thumbs along his spine. Open your fingers on the outside and bottom of the dog. If your dog is a healthy weight, you should be able to feel (but not see) his ribs with very little pressure. If you can’t feel his ribs, you need to feed him less and increase his activity.

If you are lucky enough to be the guardian of a golden retriever puppy, be prepared for your puppy to experience a rapid growth spurt between four and seven months of age. This growth spurt makes your dog prone to bone disorders during this period. Having a low-calorie, high-protein, good-quality diet can reduce the possibility of bone disorders.


The golden retriever is an omnivore. Quality dog food typically includes both meat and vegetable ingredients.

If you aren’t careful, your golden retriever can quickly balloon. Approximately 12-18% fat is ideal for this breed’s diet. To keep your dog’s hair healthy and shiny, supplement it with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Two to three scoops of high-quality dry dog food daily are the standard recommendation for feeding a golden retriever. It’s not the fault of carnivores or omnivores that your dog is fat; instead, the problem lies with the food you’re giving him.

If your dog is very active, you should feed it more often than if it were less enthusiastic. The food quality you buy is crucial regarding how much dog food you should give your pet. A high-quality, low-calorie diet can help reduce the risk of obesity and its related problems from happening.

Regardless of what you choose to feed your golden retriever, you should ensure it gets the appropriate amount of vitamins b-complex, protein, and carbohydrates. When buying dry dog food, be sure to check both the ingredients and the expiration date.

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