39 Reasons Why Dogs are Better Than Cats!

Reading Time: 7 mins

When it comes to choosing a pet, dog and cat owners have been debating which is the better companion for centuries. While both animals have their pros and cons, there’s no denying that dogs are superior to cats in many ways. From their intelligence and loyalty to their protective nature and social skills, dogs make wonderful companions who can provide unconditional love for years to come. In this article, we will explore 39 reasons why dogs are better than cats so you can decide if a dog is right for you!

Important reasons why dogs are better than cats

1. Dogs are loyal companions, while cats are more independent.

2. Dogs come when called and show unconditional love, while cats often ignore people they don’t know.

3. Dogs provide security and protection, while cats simply offer companionship.

4. Dogs can be trained to perform various tasks such as fetching items or tracking people, whereas cats have limited learning capabilities

5. Dogs enjoy playing fetch or going on walks with their owners; cats prefer to lounge around rather than exercise

6. Dogs give back in terms of loyalty and affection; cats may not show much interest in interacting with humans

7. With dogs you get regular opportunities for bonding activities like brushing fur or snuggling during nap time; with cats, you are limited to merely petting them occasionally

8. Many dog breeds have a long lifespan making them great companions over many years; certain cat breeds may only live 8-10 years before passing away

9. Dogs tend to bond stronger with humans compared to most varieties of domesticated animals including felines such as the house cat

10. Dogs make excellent watchdogs due to their alertness and ability to bark at strangers or unwanted visitors; Cats rarely act as watchdogs and can be considered more of a nuisance when they keep scratching the furniture or making a mess in the house.

girl hugging a golden retriever with love

11. Dogs have a higher chance of survival if abandoned; cats may not be as lucky

12. Dogs can easily recognize their owners by sight, sound and smell; cats may not distinguish between family members until it has been established through long-term interaction

13. Dog owners are likely to experience fewer allergies due to dog dander; cat fur is known to cause allergies in some people

14. Dogs can become an important part of your family dynamics for both children and adults alike; cats may not be as interactive and a more solitary pets.

15. Dogs are much easier to control than cats; they can be trained to obey commands and stay within the boundaries of their owners’ property, while cats may wander off or do whatever they please.

16. With dogs you don’t have to worry about them shredding your furniture or leaving cat hair everywhere; dog fur is less prone to stick around for long periods of time.

17. Dogs love playing with toys and running around outdoors; cats may not be interested in the same activities that dog owners enjoy doing with their pets

18. Dogs require regular physical activity which helps keep them healthy and fit; cats are low maintenance in terms of exercise needs

19. Dogs can be trained to use the restroom outdoors; cats may require a litter box.

20. Dogs are more likely to come when called and can easily be trained with positive reinforcement; cats may not respond to commands or rewards in the same way as dogs.

21. Dogs are better guardians than cats; they will bark and alert their owners of an intruder’s presence, whereas cats may not notice a potential threat until it is too late

22. Dogs need regular grooming to keep their fur healthy and looking good; cats groom themselves

23. Dogs tend to show more affection towards humans; some cats may act aloof or ignore people altogether

24. Dogs Promote an Active Lifestyle; cats may not be as interested in exercise, but they do enjoy playing now and then

25. Dogs are loyal and have strong bonds with their owners; cats may show signs of affection but are more independent.

man and dog sitting on a cliff ledge

26. Dogs can be taught basic manners and social etiquette; cats may handle most situations on their own without the need for human intervention

27. Dogs tend to purr when happy or content; cats usually purr when trying to express themselves

28. Dogs give unconditional love and support; cats display love differently than dogs do, usually through headbutting or kneading behavior

29. Dogs provide an emotional connection that cats simply cannot match; dog owners often find a special bond with their pup that few other animals can provide.

30. dogs can be service animals, Dogs have a variety of roles in society, from service animals to police officers’ assistants. Service animals can help those with disabilities, such as providing balance, picking up items, or alerting them when they are having a seizure. Police dogs can be used to track and locate suspects or evidence, search buildings, and protect their handlers.

31. Dogs can help diagnose diseases, Dogs have an incredible sense of smell that is far more precise than humans. Thanks to this keen sense of smell, trained dogs are able to sniff out illnesses such as cancer and diabetes before the symptoms become apparent in people.

32. dogs can be used in rescue missions, Dogs are widely used in rescue missions due to their agility and sense of smell. They can quickly locate an individual’s scent even if they’re buried under debris or have been missing for long periods of time.

33. dogs can be policemen`s assistants, Trained dogs are often employed by police forces all over the world as companions and support for officers on the job. These animals will accompany their handler on patrol or assist in searching for suspects or evidence at crime scenes.

34. dogs respect boundaries, When it comes to boundaries, dogs understand that not everything is allowed and will respect limits set by their owners during playtime or while exploring an area on walks. This helps dog owners keep their dog safe while also teaching them that certain behaviors come with consequences if they don’t follow instructions from their owner/handler.

golden retriever covid detector

35. a dog will not scratch you for not giving enough food, Unlike cats who may scratch you if you don’t give them enough food or attention, dogs are much more understanding when it comes to getting what they need from their owners. Dogs will usually respond positively when given food or attention – rather than becoming aggressive – making them easier and safer pets for families with small children around them.

36. dogs can be used as hunting partners, Hunting is another popular activity dog breeds like retrievers participate in due to their great sense of smell and love for being active outdoors – which makes them great hunting partners! A dog’s excellent tracking ability makes finding prey much easier than with just human senses alone – plus they make the whole experience more enjoyable since you get to spend time outdoors with your pup!

37. Dogs can protect babies from harm, Babies need extra protection since they’re so small and vulnerable; fortunately, dogs provide parents with a natural solution by acting as guardians for babies who may be at risk of harm from strangers or other animals while outdoors (or even inside). A dog’s keen senses allow it to detect potential dangers before they become too close – giving parents peace of mind knowing someone has got their baby’s back!

38. Dogs socialize better, Socializing is important for both humans and animals alike; dogs tend to be better socializers due to their outgoing nature which makes it easy for dog owners to take them out into public settings without worrying about embarrassing behavior or getting into trouble with other people! Plus this also gives dog owners an opportunity to bond with other pet owners – something cats rarely do (unless the cat belongs to multiple people).

39. Dogs have positive personalities, Dogs have been known as Man’s Best Friend since ancient times – mainly because these furry creatures make excellent companions due to their positive personality traits such as loyalty, friendliness, intelligence, and affection towards humans – qualities cats lack significantly!


When it comes down to choosing between a dog and a cat, the choice is clear. Dogs are far superior companions due to their intelligence, loyalty, protective nature, and social skills. They can provide unconditional love for years to come that cats simply cannot match. The 39 reasons why dogs are better than cats we’ve explored in this article should help you decide if a dog is right for your family or not. So go ahead and make the decision today – get yourself one of these amazing furry friends and enjoy all the benefits they bring!

Wiki Retriever is a band of brothers and Pet Lovers!
All of our team have dogs, cats, and birds. Right now we have 6 dogs, 3 cats, and 2 grey parrots!
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